Additional Needs Partnership East Renfrewshire

Click on the link below for more information on the Additional Needs Partnership East Renfrewshire.

Who are they?
We are a group of organisations who support and work with people with Additional Support Needs and Disabilities (ASN).  Partners include East Renfrewshire Council, the Voluntary & Third Sector and local community groups in East Renfrewshire.

We meet to share ideas, practice, skills, and promote the services in East Renfrewshire that support people with ASN and disabilities.

For more information we have a Facebook page you can search for: Facebook/Additional Needs Partnership




Go Safe with Ziggy

We are supporting  Go Safe with Ziggy road safety campaign for children.

Road Safety Scotland’s ‘Go Safe with Ziggy!’ learning resource helps equip children with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will
help keep them stay safe now and in later life.

Click here for more information. Road Safety website 

Click here for lots of resources on how to support this road safety campaign with your child.

Road Safety Week Scotland  16th -22nd November