CASTL Tudor Evening

The CASTL group invite you to a showcase Tudor themed evening at the Edge on Saturday 28th October between 6pm and 10 pm.

We hope you can manage along and see some of the work the young people have participated in.

Refreshments will be served.

Harvest Activities

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Harvest service and sensory activities this morning. Everyone had great fun and lots of learning experiences.

The morning began with some sensory activities, including fire pit, sensory story and a treasure hunt.

Thank you to Monsignor Monaghan and Dave from Newton Mearns Baptist church for leading our service.

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Reminder that school will be closed on Friday for staff INSET day  and closed Monday -Friday 16th -20th October for holiday.

School reopens on Monday 23rd October.

Happy holidays

Harvest Service








Join us on Tuesday 10th October, 10:30am for Harvest Celebrations in the MOD.

There will be  a slideshow, short blessing followed by tea/coffee in Teenscene.

Pupils will be involved in outdoor Harvest learning experiences throughout the morning.
As rain is forecast please ensure pupils wear appropriate outdoor clothing.