One of our senior pupils is going for an interview this afternoon.
She was so excited to tell us all about it using her AAC device.
Good luck from everyone at IMS.
One of our senior pupils is going for an interview this afternoon.
She was so excited to tell us all about it using her AAC device.
Good luck from everyone at IMS.
Still time to get your tickets for our rookie rockstars event on Friday 27th October at 1:30pm. Come join us for a rocking performance!
Our pupils have worked hard in rehearsals and are looking forward to putting on a rocking show for pupils, staff and friends.
This year classes Jura, Tiree, Skye, Harris, Lewis, Yell, Unst and Fetlar have been involved in the performance but we welcome all parents and friends to come join us.
Rookierockstar merchandise such as t shirts, hoodies, badges etc will be on sale after the performance.
Pupils can bring in some Rockstar/party clothing for the event.
Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 26th October. Appointments will have been sent out via class diaries.
We look forward to seeing you.
Halloween Spooky Spectacular
Join the communication club for an evening of spooky spectualr events on Monday 30th october .
We will have a spooky story, ghoulish games, and wicked writing!
Parents, carers and siblings are very welcome to join us for some fun activivites.
We look forward to seeing you.