Halloween Disco

What a great afternoon at our Halloween spooktacular disco.

Some amazing and creative costumes, well done to everyone who took part.

  • Congratulations to our Halloween winners :-
  • Evan and Alex
  • Rachel and Evie
  • Rachel, Chloe and April
  • Zach and Matthew
  • Jason and Daniel
  • Romi and Jamie

Have  a look at the photos below.



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Communication Club Spooky Spectacular

Halloween Spooky Spectacular

Join the communication club for an evening of spooky spectualr events on Monday 30th october .

We  will have a spooky story,  ghoulish games, and wicked writing!

Parents, carers and siblings are very welcome to join us for some fun activivites.

We look forward to seeing you.

Five Sisters Zoo

Autism Friendly Special Illumination Night

There will be a special Illuminations evening for
children with additional support needs and their families
on Wednesday 22nd November.

For one night only, from 6pm – 9pm, the Zoo will be open
exclusively for children who need a little less noise, fewer crowds and the chance to admire the Illuminations at their own pace.

To purchase tickets for this special evening please call the
Zoo office on 01506 870000 during office hours
(this date isn’t available through our on-line booking service).  Normal admission prices apply £12 per adult, £7 per child and
£2 for 1 – 2 years. Information and terms as per our website information.

Rookie Rockstars Performance

Still time to get your tickets for our rookie rockstars event on Friday 27th October at 1:30pm. Come join us for a rocking performance!

Our pupils have worked hard in rehearsals and are looking forward to putting on a rocking show for pupils, staff and friends.

This year classes Jura, Tiree, Skye, Harris, Lewis, Yell, Unst and Fetlar have been involved in the performance but we welcome all parents and friends to come join us.

Rookierockstar merchandise such as t shirts, hoodies, badges etc will be on sale after the performance.

Pupils can bring in some Rockstar/party clothing for the event.




Reminder that school will be closed on Friday for staff INSET day  and closed Monday -Friday 16th -20th October for holiday.

School reopens on Monday 23rd October.

Happy holidays

Rookie Rockstars Performance

Some of our classes have been involved in workshops this week with Rookie Rockstars and have been working towards a performance on Friday 27th October at 1:30pm.

Pupils have really enjoyed participating and are looking forward to their rock performance.
Pupils can get into full rock character if they wish with rock dress up, props, face paints and funky hair.

Click here for tickets details, priced £5
Tickets can be purchased from the school office.
Click here for more information.








Rookie Rockstars is an initiative that was created to give children the opportunity to work with professional musicians to learn original songs, record a CD and perform in a fantastic concert. The programme covers key areas of the Curriculum for Excellence: Health and Wellbeing, Expressive Arts, Moral Education, Literacy, Technologies and more. Children participate in a unique learning experience which tackles anti-bullying, and aims to promote confidence, self-esteem, and positive friendships.