Senior Sports Day

Thank you to Mr Holmes and Gordon our Sports Coordinator  for organising this years sports day  at Eastwood High School.

Big shout out  to the sports champions from Eastwood High School for all their help at the various activities

All the pupils had a great time at the different events but especially loved all the races, especially the relay race.

Medals will be awarded  at the next assembly.



Active Fun Day

Thank  you to Mrs Airlie, Miss McKay & all the staff from Loch Lomond and Loch Ness wings  for organising an excellent Active Fun day.

A fun filled day with various sensory sport activities to take part in.

Thank you to all the parents who came to support our event.

The sun was shining throughout the morning  and all the pupils had a great time rotating around the various activities.

At the end of the morning every pupil was awarded a medal by Mrs Clark.

Have a look at some of the photographs.