World Book Day 2017

img_1582‪The countdown is on for World Book Day 2017 which takes place on Thursday 2nd March.

Our activities start on Wednesday 1st March with storytelling from Usbourne Books.

Thursday 2nd March Mrs Boyle leads some Bookbug sessions for pupils in P1- P3.

Friday 3rd March all Pupils and staff can come dressed as their favourite story character for a fun day of activities organised by Mrs Barron and Miss Dewhurst.

Activities include a sensory story extravaganza with Mrs Wako and interactive story from the senior leadership team and office staff.

World Book Day activities culminate on Friday afternoon with whole school assembly and prizes for best dressed story characters.

Please remember your £1 donation

National Parent Forum Scotland

Click on the link below for more information on the
National Improvement Framework: Sharing Information for Better Learning.

What is the National Improvement Framework?

The National Improvement Framework for Scottish education is an ambitious strategy to help all children to achieve their full potential as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. The Framework sets out how evidence is gathered to inform action, making sure that we are all focused on improving standards for our children, and in our schools.


Communication Club

Communication club will take place Thursday  9th February from 6:30-7:30pm.

“Getting to know you” is the theme with songs, rhymes, stories & ALDs (Aided language Displays)

We look forward to seeing you.

P1 Transitions

Our P1 transitions from the Isobel Mair Family Centre  have started. Social stories have been distributed to prepare the children for class visits and other resource areas.

Everyone had great fun exploring the adventure & sensory room and then a visit to the class to meet some new friends.


Cassie visits IMS

Thank you to Cassie, one of our Isobel Mair School  graduates who visited the Thursday ISS@IMS group this afternoon.

Cassie chatted to the students about how she has completed supported colleges courses and is now  on a fulltime beauty course.
She discussed what it’s like to be at college and the great support she got from staff and friends.

She offered beauty treatments to the girls and they were all delighted with their manicures.