Christmas Enterprise

Classes Staffa and Jura invited their parents into class for an open morning.

The families were invited to  support pupils with their Christmas enterprise crafts.

Everyone was excited but Katie was super excited that her Dad was in class helping with their Christmas enterprise crafts.

Afterwards everyone enjoyed a get together in Teenscene with coffee and mince pies.

Look out for their crafts at the Christmas Fair on Thursday 1st December.


Sophie visits IMS

We were delighted today to have a visit from one of our former pupils Sophie.

Sophie and her family moved to America about 4 years ago and it was lovely to see them come back to IMS to see all her old friends.

Ruby was delighted and shocked when she realised it was Sophie and gave her a tour of the school.

After the tour and meeting some old friends and staff, Sophie joined class Lewis for a snack in Corrie House.