Discovering Autism

Discovering Autism: Communication in all its forms.

An “apps and autism event ” powered by Tobii Dynavox

This event is for anyone working/caring for people on the Autistic Spectrum including parents, carers, teachers, pupil
support assistants and Speech and Language Therapists.

Date and Location
7th November, Manchester The Life Centre.

Click here for more information.

All Engaged, All Communicate, All Learn

Closing the Learning and Communication gap
for individuals with complex

All Engaged, All Communicate, All Learn  is a  one or two day practical, in depth and hands on session with Tobii Dynavox & RETT University.

This session is customised for anyone working with individuals with complex needs to learn effective communication and literacy strategies.

Click here for more details of this course that takes place in at the Cosla Conference Centre, Edinburgh on 6 -7 th October  2016.


Diary Dates

Meet the Teacher

Class Tiree have invited their parents in for a “meet the teacher”  session to meet new staff,  see the classroom and find out about topics being studied this term.  Pupils will then show some of their favourite activities.
Join us on Wednesday  21st September 1.30pm 


Sexual Health Drop in

Mrs Goodlad and Miss McMillan have arranged a sexual health drop in session on Wednesday 28th September from 1:30pm – 2:30pm.
This is open to all parents to come see resources and learn about how the school supports the young people.