Class Tiree have been learning all about Eid Al Adah in class with Mrs Barron and Mrs Neillie.
This morning they visited the Mosque as part of their RME topic.
Class Tiree have been learning all about Eid Al Adah in class with Mrs Barron and Mrs Neillie.
This morning they visited the Mosque as part of their RME topic.
Our Stargaze Drama afterschool club with Miss Antelmi starts back today.
Pupils excited to find out what musical they are doing this session.
Watch this space……..
Today pupils from Classes Yell, Unst and Fetlar joined
fellow WoodfarmHigh pupils to participate in a Community
Litter Pick.
Thankfully the sun was shining.
Communication is at the heart of everything we do at Isobel Mair School.
Mrs McEwan is modelling and communication using PODD with one of her pupils during a dance session, talking about the different body parts used in the dance.
Miss McKay is modelling PODD with one of her P1 pupils during a SMARTBoard activity.
Good luck to Stuart Cherry, S6 and Dylan McCreath, S3 who are representing IMS at a pupil council meeting at Mearns Castle High School this morning.