Sports Cup

Thank you to Alex O’Donnell and his family for the donation and sponsorship of the Sports Cup.

As this was his last year at Isobel Mair , Alex and his family wanted to do something for the school and came up with the idea of awarding the sports cup to the person with the most outstanding achievement each year.

This is a lovely idea and will certainly be an incentive for the pupils to win the cup for all their achievements.

Farewell to our Leavers

Thank you to everyone who came to support our young people, who are leaving school this year at our Leavers’ Service at Newton Mearns Baptist Church.

It was a very emotive time as we looked back at all the children through the years through video and narrative.

Time to “Shake it Off”  say farewell to;

Aden         Natalie         Sean             Christopher       Jamie          Andrew
Bilal           Fraser           Sophie         Sara                        Alex           Jonathan