All aboard

Summer Outings

All of our classes have enjoyed their summer outings to end the term and celebrate the pupils moving onto new classes.

We have had visits to the Experience, Falkirk Wheel, beach, soft play centres and lots more.

This is the opportunity for the pupils to have fun and generalise the skills they have been learning throughout the year.



Bronze Award

Congratulations to Sara, Alex, Sophie, Amy and Stuart who all received their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award at the weekend.

This was the 2nd overnight camping stay that they took part in and also managed to 2 field walks. They had to cook their meals al fresco and coped remarkably well with the millions of midges…….. some more attracted than others!

Many thanks to our buddies and the DofE staff, Amy and Jim who supported our young people with the many challenges  over the weekend.

Well done to our LochG Explorers we are all so proud of you.

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