Thank You to the staff from Barclays Digital Eagles who have been working the pupils from classes Orkney and Shetland to learn to code in a fun and engaging way.
Thank You to the staff from Barclays Digital Eagles who have been working the pupils from classes Orkney and Shetland to learn to code in a fun and engaging way.
Classes Orkney and Harris have a special request from everyone before we break up for the Easter holidays.
They would like all staff an pupils to dress in their flashest 80’s sports gear, including headbands, leg warmers, leggings, trainers, tutus etc. No uniform required tomorrow .
They have a special surprise for everyone during their class assembly tomorrow afternoon.
The Educational Psychology Service team, in partnership
with Carlibar Communication Centre, are running workshops
for parents of children with social communication needs.
Dates: 12, 19, 26 May and 2 June 2016
Time: 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm
Location St. Luke’s High School, Barrhead
Click here for more information.
We are all so proud of Rachel Stoll.
She has successfully lost 1stone 1lb in 8 weeks.
Well done Rachel.
Have you visited the new Sensory Sensation at the Experience?
It’s definitely worth a visit during the Easter break.
Reminder that school closes on Friday 1st April at 2:30pm
(NO EXTENDED DAY) and reopens Monday 18th April.
Where fitness meets fun during the Easter holidays, ASN Nerf War at Broadwood Stadium on Sunday 3rd April
4:30 – 6:30pm. Click here for booking details
Click here for more details about Micro Fitness
Many thanks to everyone for their £1 donation and sponsor money for Sports Relief 2016.
We have raised the magnificent sum of £779.44
Thank You
One of our P1 pupils helping the Easter Bunnies to deliver Easter Eggs to all the classes.
Thank you to Royal Bank of Scotland, Commercial Glasgow for the kind donation of eggs for all the pupils.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Easter Service
this morning.
I’m sure you will agree the children all sang beautifully.
Thank you to Daniella (opera singer) who has been working with the pupils in classes Cumbrae, Bute, Sanda and Arran.
Most recently she has been working on vocal tuition with the pupils from Classes Whalsay and Tiree.
Joey, Musa, Oscar and Leah introduced all our singers and
the important people, proud moment for them all.
Amy led our school songs by singing and Makaton signing.
Mrs Clark would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Easter.
School reopens on Tuesday 29th March.
Our Easter service will take place tomorrow, 24th March 10:30am at Newton Mearns Baptist Church.
We look forward to seeing you.
Mrs Goodlad and Mrs McKinnon from classes Tiree and Whalsay set their pupils and parents an Easter Egg challenge for homework.
All the pupils and staff had to decorate an Easter egg and bring it into school the next day.
Have a look at some of the wonderful and creative designs.
Mrs Clark judged the competition and the winners are:-
Mrs McKinnon
Kieran MGhee
Thomas Connell
Toby Penman
Well done everyone and what a fun homework challenge you all completed.
Many thanks to our Parent Ground Force Team for working in our sensory garden yesterday, tiding it up for spring.
It’s looking great now, but if you can spare a few hours we
are always looking for new helpers.
Many thanks to all the staff at the Royal Bank of
Scotland Commercial, Glasgow for the very kind donation of
Easter eggs for all our pupils.
Happy Easter.
Thank you to Miss Philo for organising our Sensory Science
Fair today.
Every class was invited to display an experiment they
have undertaken with their class and share it with others.
Lots of sensory fun and exploration taking place as the pupils
touch worms, create their name blindfolded, make rain clouds
and lots of other exciting experiments.
Class Sanda enjoyed some Easter Sensory activities this afternoon and had to find the hidden coloured eggs.
Fraser was delighted to find the blue egg.
This term, Class Staffa have been reading the story book, “The Fairy Flag of Dunvegan” and created some art work to display
for everyone to see.
They also created a texture Vincent Van Gogh masterpiece.