TED Talk

We have just posted a link to an inspiring short video on our AAC page.

Many thanks to one of our parents, Tunde Cockshot who shared the link with us.

Watch the TED talk from Ajit Narayanan who is  an
electrical engineer, working on assistive technologies for
children with speech and language disabilities (like autism).

Click here to watch it.

A word game to communicate in any language.


Welcome to students from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

We are so excited to be involved with a group of 4 students from the Contemporary Performance Practice at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

The students  are going to be working with some of our primary 6 and 7 pupils on a 3 week project, with the aim of creating
a performance to share on the 3rd week.

The topic will be  exploring the theme of ‘finding your voice’; finding who you are and being proud of it.
Often society can bring a member down if they are ‘too’ different. We want to defy those thoughts and attitudes and celebrate all our differences together.