Thank you

Many thanks to the  4 students, Jen, Joe, Sharon and Hannah from Royal  Conservatoire Scotland  for working with pupils from Class Tiree.

The pupils gained so much from the workshops and
the performances. They had a great time forming friendships
and exploring the theme of ‘finding your voice’; finding who you
are and being proud of it.

The session finished today with two performances to staff
and pupils from school and also to some of the students from the Royal Conservatoire course.




Holocaust Memorial Assembly

Thank you to classes Yell, Unst, Harris and  Arran  for presenting  at our Holocaust Memorial Assembly yesterday. 

Hannah lit our treasured Anish Kapoor candle and the classes read out some poems and sang a song, “We are the world……….”.

Thank You to Carol Gillespie for attending our assembly .

Tiger who came to Tea

Class Arran invited their parents  and  Grandparents into school for their “Tiger who came to Tea” performance.
They had listened to the story, created a 3d scene during art work  and decided on some sound effects.

All the pupils had a part to play in the story and
enthusiastically performed in front of an audience.

Sean played the part of the tiger with our volunteer Phil and smiled all the way through at his antics.

They used their switches to activate the sound effects.
Rob especially loved the door bell effect.
Peter worked hard on some picture and word matching activities.

The pupils from ISS @ IMS supported the class and helped
to prepare a tea party afterwards. They made some biscuits
and helped to serve the teas and coffee.

Burns Assembly

What a great assembly this afternoon to celebrate Robert Burns.

All the classes took part in song, dance, poems and some produced amazing art work.

Click here for “Auld Lang Syne”

Some of the performances included;
Auld Lang Syne by classes Tiree and Whalsay
Tam O’Shanter by Class Lewis
Selkirk Grace by Alex Oliphant
Red Red Rose by Pirece Queen
Reels on Wheels by Loch Ness, who performed a Circassian Reel
Nessie by Musa and Mark C
Sword dance by Sarah P
Anthony gave us Address to a Haggis and Gemma &
Dylan composed their own Address to the lads and lassies.

We are all so proud of the young people performing with
such confidence.

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Drama performance with students from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Class Tiree have been working with a group of 4 students from the Contemporary Performance Practice at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

The drama  topic they have been working on is exploring the theme of ‘finding your voice’; finding who you are and being proud of it.

The pupils from Class Tiree have been working hard the past 2 weeks and today they performed to some of the classes. The students also had a visit from their lecturers and they had a chat with the pupils from class Tiree.

ISS@IMS Fundraising

DSCF2502Pupils from both of our ISS@IMS groups worked together to raise £152.10  for Yorkhill Children’s Charity. This involved pupils running a Winterfest Café for pupils and staff, doing home baking,
and approaching local businesses for raffle prizes.

Pupils visited Yorkhill to hand over the cheque, and had a tour of the Cinema and the child friendly, interactive waiting area during their visit.  Their donation was greatly appreciated and they look forward to raising some  more funds  for Yorkhill in 2016.


Coffee and Chat

coffee and chat









Our next coffee and Chat will take place on Thursday 4th February from 10am -11.30am.

One of our parents,Tracey Campbell will have an informal chat about a parents perspective on AAC including PODD.

We hope you can make it along for this informative session.

National Parent Forum of Scotland

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been working with Skills Development Scotland as part of the programme of work underway in Developing the Young Workforce.
They have produced some tailored information for parents, as part of the successful “in a nutshell” series, which covers the new Careers Education Standard launched at SLF 2015. This new nutshell will supply parents with basic information about the initial role of this programme in schools and signpost them to where they can get some more information if they need it.

Click here for more information