MacMillan Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who came to support our coffee morning.

It was lovely to see everyone and delighted that some of our old members of staff came to say hello.

Thank you to everyone who donated home baking, it was delicious and much appreciated.

Congratulations to all our raffle winners including Margaret, our nursing support assistant who won the delicious chocolate cake donated and made by Kat McInness.

Loch Ness staff and pupils all worked so hard organising the event and I’m sure you will agree that it’s been a great success.

We are delighted to tell you that we have raised the magnificent some of over £630.

Thank You


MacMillan Coffee Morning

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Loch Ness classes are all set and ready for the MacMillan Coffee Morning.

We also have some home baking,  a raffle, delicious chocolate cake, mugs and herbs for sale.

Reels on wheels will also perform for everyone at the end.

We look forward to seeing you.

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