Head Teacher Message


Welcome back to all the children and young people after the summer break.  I hope you all had an enjoyable summer although those of us that stayed in Scotland didn’t benefit from much sunshine. However it was most welcome yesterday as the pupils returned to school.

It was lovely to see so many smiling faces coming in to school this morning. Everyone looked very smart in new school uniforms showing that they are proud to be a pupil in our school. We are certainly proud of all our pupils.

We have a very exiting term ahead with many different learning experiences. Please check the website regularly for dairy dates and pictures of daily events and blogs.

Thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated by myself and all the staff. I look forward to meeting you all at our future events, but in the meantime do not hesitate to contact either myself or the DHTs, if there is any matter you wish to discuss with us.

Sarah Clark
Head Teacher





Congratulations to Amy Clark who took part in the Special Olympic in Los Angeles during the summer break.

We are all so proud of Amy and her achievements as she participated in the Rhythmic Gymnastics representing Great Britain.

Amy showed everyone her medals at the whole school assembly today and explained what she had won.

Have a look the photographs below  to see how many medals Amy was awarded.

Well done Amy



Welcome Assembly

Welcome to Isobel Mair School

Today at our assembly we welcomed all our new P1 pupils and new members of staff to the school.

We also had the presentation of  our Head Boy/Girl, Captains and Prefect badges to our 6th pupils, who will represent the school with specific duties.

This year we are delighted to announce that Alex O’Donnell and Sara Clegg have  been voted in as our Head Boy and Head Girl.

We wish them  well with all their duties supporting and representing  Isobel Mair School this year.

We are also delighted that Anna from class Jura has volunteered to be our Makaton signer at the primary assemblies. Well done Anna.

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School Captain Monitors
Jamie Brownlie Fraser McMillan
Sophie Brough Bilal Ali
Prefects Sean McKenzie
Andrew Whitehill Christopher Clynes
Jonathan Adams ( Stargaze) Aden Haq
Natalie Gillespie

Our first day back

First Day

The sun was shining for our first day back and everyone had a settled day.

We  welcomed our new primary 1 pupils and they all had a great fun, exploring their new class and playing with their friends.

Our senior pupils from Yell and Unst at Woodfarm came down for a visit  and it was lovely to see them all in their new school blazers and ties.

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