
PFS-logo-2015Pedal for Scotland

Our senior janitor, Robert Todd is going to be taking part in the Pedal for Scotland ride on Sunday 6th September, cycling 50 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh.

He will be raising money for school funds and would like to invite all staff, parents and friends to sponsor him in any way you can.
Sponsor forms will be sent out via the class diaries.

Click on the link for more information.

Thank You

Many thanks to Kevin McCallion who donated two tickets for tomorrow nights Paulo Nutini concert.

We sold raffle tickets to staff and parents and raised £150 for school funds.

Congratulations to Michelle McManus a member of our Facilities Management team who won the tickets and is now looking forward to the concert tomorrow night.

NDCS Listening Bus


The NDCS Listening Bus Roadshow

NDS Listening BusSensory Support Service have arranged for the  new NDCS Listening Bus to visit  East Renfrewshire.

The hugely popular National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) Listening Bus will be visiting Isobel Mair School on Thursday 17th September 2015 (10am-3pm)

Pupils from P2 – P6 at Isobel Mair School will be have access to the bus between 1:15 – 1:45

The NDCS purpose-built information roadshow features a wide range of information on childhood deafness. You can have a look at examples of the latest equipment designed to assist in communication and learning. Try out alarm clocks, flashing doorbells, amplified phones, listening aids and learn more about NDCS and the services we offer.

Official Head Girl Duties

Head Girl Duties

Our Head Girl, Sara &  some of the senior pupils attended a meeting at the Education offices this morning to discuss the recent Lochgoilhead trip.

We showed a short DVD highlighting the event and the pupils answered some questions about their experience.

Thank You to Ronan and Rachel from St Ninian’s High school who also attended the meeting.


Free Information Event

KidzScotland_RGBKidz  Scotland

Are you interested in a  FREE UK exhibition dedicated to children and young adults with disabilities and special needs, their families and the professionals who work with them.

Come along to the Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh EH28 8NB, Thursday17th September 9:30-4:30pm.

At the event there will over 100 exhibitors offering advice and information on funding, mobility, seating, beds, communication, access, education, toys, transport, style, sensory, sports and leisure and muchmore……

Running alongside the event are FREE seminars for parents and professionals. Topics include: Moving and Handling, Sleep Issues, Continence Issues, Direct Payments, Parental Experiences, Transition, Legal Advice and much more …

Click on the link to find out more information




On Sunday 30 August, a few of our pupils will receive the sacrament of confirmation at St Peters Church, 2pm supported by  SPRED — Special Religious Education in the Diocese.

Best wishes to Olivia T and Brogan on their special day.


Our star signers

Our Star Signers

During our school assemblies we have 2 of our senior pupils who stand at the front and act as role models for the younger children, singing and signing the school song.

Anna from the primary department recently volunteered to be the signer for the primary department and here she is with Olivia and Amy learning the ropes.

Well done girls.

Click here for a quick demo of the school song



Thank You

Thank you

Many thanks to Sara Clegg and all her family and friends for the very kind donation to the school.

Sara, our Head Girl has recently celebrated her 18th birthday and decided that instead of gifts from family and friends, she wanted donations instead to be given to the school.

We were delighted to receive a cheque for £665 which will be used to buy branded sports wear for pupils taking part in sporting events, representing the school.

This was a very kind gesture fro Sarah and her family.
We hope you had a very happy birthday Sara.

Partners in Policymaking Programme

 Partners in Policymaking Programme

Partners in Policy Making Leaflet imageAre you interested in a Leadership Development Programme for Parents of disabled children and disabled adults?

The programme is designed for parents and adults who
think that life for disabled children and adults could be better
want to improve the way things are now, but don’t know where to start

Have a look at the following leaflets for more information and how to apply.
Partners in Policy Making Leaflet
PIP- Descriptor Programme
PIP -Application Form

Please note the date for the deadline is Wednesday 26th August 2015



PE in the MOD

Some of our senior pupils  worked hard during their PE session this morning.

Today the focus was ball skills, aiming and throwing and  the boys were delighted when they managed to score a few baskets.