Sports Day

Fun in the sun……..

Thank you to all our parents, friends who came out and supported our wonderful, inclusive sports day.

We had parachute games, floating ball, balance the bean bag, races, relay races, and the finale……… parent and teacher races!

Have a look at some of our photographs below which highlights the fun and learning experiences for all of  all our pupils.

Sports Day

Fun in the Sun

The sun is shining for our Sports Day this afternoon!

The day starts of with our Parade of Nations at 1pm.

Remember your running shoes for the Parent & Teacher race………

Everbody welcome

The Parent Council will also draw the winning ticket for the amazing raffle prize.

Parent Flyer


Bugsy Malone

stargaze Bugsy

Our Stargaze Drama group which takes place on Tuesday’s after school have been working hard on their new performance “Bugsy Malone”.

The performance premiers on Thursday evening, 18th June at Queen Margaret Union Theatre.

Please come and support our pupils who attend our “Stargaze Drama” group. They have all been working so hard, practising their lines and singing the songs.  Now they can’t wait to perform the show infront of a live audience.

Tickets are still on sale or you can buy a ticket on the night.

Queen Margaret Union
22 University Gardens
G12 8QN