Tartan Scarf

Please read the attached letter from Mearns Castle High School’s Young Enterprise Scotland Team.

Mearns Castle High School’s Young Enterprise Scotland team Red Thistle, are proposing to design and produce a unique tartan scarf for Isobel Mair’s school uniform. Young Enterprise Scotland is a charitable organisation which allows pupils to develop their business skills though starting up and running their own company for a year.

Read more about Red Thistle


MCHS Red Thistle tartan
One of the suggested tartan designs


Jump in2 Dance

jump in2 dance logojump in2 dance

Dance classes specialising in dance for children and young adults with physical and learning disabilities.
– Help boost self esteem
– Enjoy the power of dance in a fun and safe environment

The dance classes take place every Friday and Sunday at the palace of Arts Bellahouston.
Click here for more details


Class information and enrolement contact:-
Susan on 07931290296
Email susan@jumpin2dance.com

Welcome to our Global Visitors


On Friday 12th June we are welcoming visitors from the Jamaican Ministry of Education, Drs Michele Meredith and Christina Addlington and Dr Kate Hannah from HMIe.

We are delighted that they will be visiting and touring the school, meeting our amazing pupils and staff.

Hopefully this will lead to possible Global Citizenship partnership in the future.