MAIRFest MELA Celebrations

Come join us on Thursday, 21st May at 1:30pm for our annual MAIRFest MELA.

Pupils have been learning all about different countries across the world and would like to share some of their knowledge though dance, songs, art and cookery.


Everyone welcome

Education Scotland,

The Journey to Excellence………..

education-scotland-logoApproaches to meeting the literacy and communication needs of pupils at Isobel Mair School


We recently took part in some filming with Education Scotland to tie in with the 3-18 curriculum impact report on Literacy / Language.
Listen to our staff as they talk about the range of approaches they are using to support children with additional support needs to develop literacy and communication skills in relevant and stimulating contexts. Click here

Hear how Isobel Mair School is developing the communication skills of children with complex needs through partnership working and by creating a total communication environment. Click here

Hear how we use a range of technology to enable children and young people with complex needs to access the curriculum and to support them to communicate and learn. Click here




Football Friendly

Football Friday at IMS

This afternoon we welcomed pupils from Kersland School for a friendly footbal match.

The game began with the primary team and the enthusiasm to win was immense…………… great control of the ball from both teams.
The final score was 3 -1 to Isobel Mair thanks to 2 own goals from Daniel at Kersland School.

The senior teams began with a group huddle and team chant and then the game began………….|
The fighting spirit from both teams was evident to see as they moved quickly around the pitch, desperate to score a goal. IMS was quickly in the lead but then some great control from Kersland School made the score equal……… after a few tense minutes Kersland scored some great goals to put them in the lead…..
The final score was 11 -8 to Kersland.

Well done to everyone who took part in this 1st friendly game. Great team work, enthusiasm, sportsmanship and tactics from both teams.

Click here to watch a short video of the senior game.

Have a look at our photographs below.

Parent Council

PC MeetingThank you to everyone who attended our Parent Council meeting last night.

After school updates from Mr Crossan & Miss Scrimgeour the parents were given a demo of  our new technology in the Sensory Room, including the LED lighting, Magic Carpet and Magic Mirror.

Minutes of meeting to follow.

Click here to read Head Teacher’s report

Going bananas in Class Staffa

Class Staffa go bananas………

Class Staffa recently showcased their skills at the recent whole school assembly.

They had invited their parents/grandparents into school in the morning for a show and tell and they were delighted to perform “Going bananas” for them also.

At the assembly they performed a few action songs and danced infront of a live audience.

Click here to watch a short preview of their showcase assembly.

I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances.

EXA 0-01a / EXA 1-01a / EXA 2-01a

Superhero Day

Who is your Superhero?

We are supporting Superhero Day on Friday 15th May!

All Staff & pupils are encouraged to dress up as their favourite superhero or wear a onesie and pay £1 towards helping Cash for Kids charity event.

We will have lots of fun activities taking place throughout the day…..

  • Cake and Bake Sale
  • Create your own superhero (50p donation)
  • Face painting

Our Superhero day will end with a whole school assembly.


Summer Mela

Date for your diary…..

Our Summer mela will take place on Thursday 21st May 2015 at 1:30pm.

The afternoon MAIRFest showcase will include performances, song, dance, artwork and slideshows of topic learning from indvidual classes.

We hope you can join us for our Mela celebrations.

Scottish Education Awards – Finalist


Scottish Education Awards –  Finalist

EA visit

Today we welcomed visitors from Education Scotland re our Health & Wellbeing nomination for the Scottish Education Awards 2015.  The Scottish Education Awards were first launched in November 2001 by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Daily Record, with the specific aims of celebrating the successes and recognising the achievements taking place within Scottish education.

Our visitors had a tour of  the school, met with pupils, staff and parents and had a look at some of our resources to support Health & Wellbeing across the curriculum and at home.

The results will be announced on 10th June at an awards ceremony.