“What Scotland Means to me”

Capturing the beauty of Scotland…………

Class Tiree and Whalsay took part in a photography project during the 1st school term.

They displayed all the photographs they took and invited their parents into school to view and purchase the portraits.

The class then entered some of the photographs into a competition organised by “Scran”. The competition was held to celebrate Scran’s 20th year and asked schoolchildren to show “What Scotland Means to Me” in a photo.

Class Tiree  impressed judges with their group picture and won the additional support needs category.   Their image promotes an  atmospheric shot, with varied shades of green that invite you to wander down the path and into the woodlands.”

The school and class were delighted when they heard the wonderful news and were so proud of their achievements.

The images will now become records on Scran, sitting alongside material from National Museums Scotland, National Galleries Scotland and the Scotsman newspaper.

This afternoon we welcomed two visitors from Scran,  to present the award to class Tiree.

The school has won three iPads for use in its classrooms which I’m sure will allow the pupils to continue to take amazing pictures of their local community and beyond during outdoor learning.

Look out for the framed image next time you visit the school.



A Tartan Thank You

A big tartan thank you

Many thanks to Text Craft for the very kind donation of purple tartan.

We will  use the tartan to make new tartan sashes for our Reels on Wheels wheelchair dancing group.

We will publish some photos of the sashes being used when they are ready.

Coffee and Chat

Coffee and Chat will take place on Tuesday 5th May 1:30 – 2.30pm.

Parents will have the opportunity to drop in on the Relationships and Sexual Health drop in session where you will have the chance to:

  • look at resources
  • chat with other parents and discuss any concerns you may have.

All Welcome