SQA Verification

sqaWe recently had a visit from SQA as part of the External Verification for National Qualifications that take place within the school.

We are delighted to share with you part of the excellent report.

Part 7

Good Practice

Please provide examples of good practice witnessed during the Verification activity.

The centres’ presentation of materials was excellent. Staff had developed teaching materials of a very high standard to meet candidates’ needs. All activities recorded were exciting and motivating for candidates.

In many cases the candidate was able to achieve more than was being asked in certain units – the centre will review this next session.

The Practical Craft Skills unit was also delivered in a very innovative and holistic way which encompassed most of the school!

Outdoor Learning

Bug Hunting @ IMS

Today we are joined by Joanne from the Open Air Laboratories who has come into school to run sessions with our pupils, about insects within our vast school grounds.

Primary classes will be putting on their raincoats and welly boots  to explore the grounds to see what bugs they can find and then hopefully match the bugs to charts.

The senior classes will be learning about worms and their habitats.