Special Games

Our Special Games today were a huge success and enjoyed by all the pupils.

Every pupil participated in the activities, working alongside their peers and friends from St Cadoc’s and Crookfur Primary schools.

Thanks to Mr Holmes who organised the event and worked with our Sports Co-ordinators to ensure the events were challenging and enjoyable.

Have a look at the photographs below.


Red Nose Day

Make Your Face Funny for Money

Reminder that tomorrow, Friday, 13th March we are participating in the annual Comic Relief fundraising event. 

This year’s theme is “Make Your Face Funny For Money!”

Pupils and staff are invited to come to school dressed in red. (This can be anything red – clothes, shoes, face or even hair!)

Pupils are asked to bring in a minimum of £1 donation for dressing up.

We will be celebrating Red Nose Day with events throughout the day such as:

  • Splatting our Senior Management Team with cream cakes
  • Bake Sale
  • Face Painting
  • Finishing with a whole school Talent Show in the afternoon.

Please send in some small change  for your child to take part in the above events.

Thank you

Special Games

Our Special games are about to begin…….

Pupils from St Cadoc’s and Crookfur primary schools have arrived to join in  our sporting activities.

A huge range of events are on offer to challenge everyone  including dance, athletics, hockey, football with an SFA coach, curling, table cricket, parachute games, cycling and even cheerleading!

Our Active Schools Coordinators are on hand to help us out.

Let the fun begin…………
