Tag: Pupils

May Holiday School Closure

Dear Parent / Carer

Just a reminder that the school and nursery will be closed on Friday 22nd May and Monday 25th May for the May holiday.  The school and nursery will also be closed to pupils on Tuesday 26th May as this is an In Service day for staff.  Pupils should return at the normal time on Wednesday 27th May 2015.

We hope that you have a nice May holiday.

School closure for Bank Holiday and General Election

Dear Parent / Carer

We would like to remind you that the primary school and nursery will be closed on Monday 4th May 2015 for the Bank Holiday – pupils should return to school at the normal time on Tuesday 5th May.

The primary school and nursery will also be closed to pupils on Thursday 7th May 2015 as it is being used as a polling station for the General Election – pupils should return to school at the normal time on Friday 8th May.

Eclipse of the sun March 20 2015

Children at Giffnock Primary took part in one of the most amazing natural sights in the universe – an eclipse of the sun. The weather was cloudy, but there were brief moments when the eclipse could be seen. The children brought their own viewers to see this amazing sight.

The eclipse at its maximum darkness.
P4 pupils use their home made viewers.
P5 are using the pinhole projection technique.

Photos taken by Mr. Small as the eclipse reached its maximum effect.

Active Schools

New  Primary Table Tennis Club: P5-P7

Our Active Schools Coordinator, Mrs Baxter, has organised a new Table Tennis Club for all pupils in Primary 5-7. The club is part of Woodfarm’s Commonwealth Games legacy, which aims to encourage our pupils to participate in sport, leading in turn to a healthier lifestyle. The club will run on Mondays at Woodfarm High School from 4.45pm-5.45pm. Mr Merriman, a P.E teacher from Woodfarm, will lead the club. Table tennis is extremely popular in Woodfarm, with many pupils attending the after school club and playing in tournaments. We are sure our primary pupils will enjoy the experience.

Active School Awards:

Mrs Baxter will attend our assembly before the end of term to issue awards to pupils who have been selected by coaches, teachers and volunteers. Pupils have been chosen due to their excellent sportsmanship, determination and respect for others and the leaders whilst at the clubs. Awards will be issued to pupils who have also excelled in the sport/ activity.

Tri-Athlon event- Wednesday 25th February 2015.

Around 25 pupils have been attending a Tri-athlon club at Woodfarm High. They have been training hard and have been getting fitter every week. Over the past 5 weeks they have been training towards a mini Tri-athlon event which will be held in Woodfarm High on Wednesday 25th February from 4-5pm. Medals will be given out to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

Fencing Course at Eastwood High School

Scottish Fencing, working with East Renfrewshire Active Schools,  is providing an opportunity for pupils to experience the Olympic sport of Fencing. The new club is aimed at the P4-7 age group and will introduce pupils to the basics of fencing. To find out more, including information about booking, further information is available in this PDF: Fencing at Eastwood High