Tag: Parents

P7 leavers’ ceilidh


As we approach the end of term we look forward to our Primary 7 Ceilidh on Monday 25th June 2018.  We have previously contacted you regards photographs of the evening with some details of the event.  P7 pupils have also received beautiful invitations, handmade by our P4 pupils.

We have traditionally welcomed pupils and parents to attend at the start of the evening at the front of the school, where pupils will be piped in and greeted by staff.  Mr Small has kindly offered to take the year group and class photographs at 6.45 pm, at the beginning of the evening.

Pupils are invited to dress smartly and throughout the evening there will be dances, refreshments and a cutting of the celebratory cake.  Towards the end of the evening, we invite our families in for the last song of the evening, ‘Auld Lang Syne’, and to wish our youngsters well in their next part of their journey.

The evening typically ends at 9pm, where we ask that children are picked up by adults at the front playground or from inside the building, after the last song.

As usual, we are excited about our special end of year event with our Primary 7s and look forward to seeing you there.


House Winners Surprise Trip Tuesday 26th June


We urgently require help with the House Winners Surprise trip. We will be looking for parent helpers who would be available on the morning of Tuesday 26th June 2018. Please could you contact the school office if you would be available to help.

Thank you to the parents who have already volunteered, your help is very much appreciated and we look forward to seeing you on the day.


Sports Day


All children should wear suitable clothing on sports day i.e. tracksuit over T-shirt and shorts, trainers/gym shoes, a waterproof jacket and bring a polythene bag to sit on.

NO HOME LUNCHES IF POSSIBLE.  There will be an early lunch for children from 11.45am until 12.35pm.  As the children will be leaving school for the park at 12.55pm it would be helpful if all children could have lunch in school on Sports Day.

At the park – the children must stay in their running order and under a teacher’s supervision at all times. No children are allowed to wander away with or without parents.

At the end of the races and after the presentation of the House Sports Championship Shield, if parents wish to collect their child at that time they must inform their child’s class teacher that they are taking their child away so that we know at all times where our children are and who they are with.

Children not collected at the park will be brought back to school as near to 3.00pm as possible and can be collected from there.


Lunch arrangements on last day of term


We have been advised by the school kitchen that as the school will have an early closure at 1.00pm on the last day of term (Wednesday 27th June2018) lunch will only be provided for pupils who receive Free School Meals – this will obviously include all Primary 1, Primary 2 and Primary 3 pupils.  The menu will also be limited that day to soup and sandwiches.

Tuck will still be available to all pupils that day.


Lost Property and uniform donations

If you think you may have an item in lost property, please could you collect it by Friday 22nd June (Sports Day).

Also, if you would like to donate any uniform that has been outgrown or is no longer needed, please could you hand it in to the school office by Friday, 22nd June.

All items would then be posted on the ‘Giffnock Primary School Uniform’ Facebook page with donations to the Parent Council.  Any items not recycled within the school will be given to charity

End of Term information

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all to join us at Orchardhill Parish Church to celebrate with the children and staff at our Church Service on Wednesday 27th June at 11.00am.  The service will be led by Primary 7 and donations given to ERC Malawi Appeal and Click Sergeant.

As you will be aware the school will close for the summer break on Wednesday 27th June.  Please note that the primary school will finish early at 1.00pm and the afternoon nursery class will finish at 4.00pm.  There will be no PM wrap sessions that day.

The primary school and nursery will resume as normal on Wednesday 15th August 2018.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy holiday.


For parents/carers of children with medication held in school

East Renfrewshire Council has issued new guidelines for the administration of medicines in schools. These can be seen on our website at:


The guidelines require all medicines to be taken home at the end of the session so that no medicines are kept in the school over the summer holidays.

The medication cannot be sent home with the child, so we would like you to collect any medication directly from the school office on the last day of term.

The Primary School closes at 1pm on Wednesday June 27. Medicines will be available to collect from the school office from 12:30pm until 1pm.


ERC holiday activities


East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure’s, Holiday Activities are now available for booking and spaces are filling up fast!

We are proud at ERCL to have an array of fantastic, supportive and enthusiastic coaches who strive daily towards building an active, healthier and positive future for you and your family!

Rest assured, you and your child(ren) can learn and develop in a fun, safe and friendly environment, where you can hone skills to use for the rest of your lives.

To view our activities, please click on the following link for Holiday Activities and we look forward to seeing you soon!



eid holiday

We are aware that many children and families will soon be celebrating Eid which we understand will fall on either Friday 15th June or Saturday 16th June.


If you plan to keep your child off school for Eid on Friday 15th June we would be grateful if you could please telephone the school office as soon as possible in order that the absence can be recorded as authorised.


P3 ice lolly sale

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of Primary 3’s learning on Numeracy and Financial Education, the children are selling Calypso Ice lollies (Mr Freeze Pops),  for charity.

The children will be selling these at break time from Monday 4th to Friday 8th June (5 days). The ice lollies will cost 30p (limited to one per child per day). Please note these ice lollies are suitable for vegetarians; should you wish further information on ingredients you can visit http://www.mr-freezepops.co.uk/

A final total of the amount raised, along with information on which charity the children choose to support, will be shared before the end of term.

Many thanks

Primary 3