Category: Parents

Change of lunch menu 23 January

We have been advised by the school kitchen that there will be a change of menu on Thursday 23rd January 2020 to celebrate Burns Day – please see attachment for full details.

Burns Day Thursday 23rd January 2020

Vegetable soup

Haggis, Neeps and Tatties
Scottish Cheddar Toastie, with Salad and Homemade Coleslaw

Traditional Scottish Shortbread

Baked Potato and Baguette options also available

Giffnock Primary Panic Room!



Dear Parent & Carer 


Back in Term 1 the P6 & P7 children were asked to consider what kind of activities they would like to experience as part of school fundraisers. You will be aware that the children in P6 & P7 children enjoyed a movie night last term from which the feedback was really positive. One of the other suggestions that was really popular was for the children to take part in a Panic Room event.  We would love to offer this for the kids and the proposed date which has been agreed is Thursday 26th March that evening in the school.


So what on earth is a panic room…. ? 


The children would be divided into smaller groups and would face a series of challenges in order to work out a code that “unlocks” them from the panic room. The challenges could be mathematical, logical, physical etc and they will need to work together as a team to solve them. 


If you think that this is something that your child would enjoy we would love for you get involved.  As you can imagine, events like these take quite a bit of planning and we already have quite a full calendar and a small fundraising committee. Basically, we need your help!  If we can get a small team of P6/7 parents together to help plan and design the event as well as volunteers to help on the night then  we would be able to go ahead with this great idea! 


Please do get in touch by email or text 07855 953906 to offer your help. 


Thanks in advance for your support. 


Kind regards, 


The Parent Council 

Support for parents and children

As part of our Giffnock Family Support Team sharing please find attached an excellent informative leaflet from East Renfrewshire Council. It outlines a variety of great opportunities for support for parents and children in a number of ways from pre birth to 18.

You will see sessions ranging from pre birthing support, breast feeding, behaviour support, Autism and also information on Finance.

Contact details are on the leaflet or please ask our staff for further information or help.

ERC Parenting Leaflet

Parent Council Family Burns Night

Dear All,
Happy New Year!

We are getting off to a flyer with the Family Burns Night & Ceilidh taking place on Saturday 25th January 2020 from 6pm.  Please note that this year we have a change of venue and the ceilidh will be held at the School.  Everyone is welcome.  Ticket booking forms have been sent home this week in school bags and must be returned by Friday 17th January with payment via class teachers.

Here’s what you need to know….

Date Saturday 25th January 2020
Venue Giffnock Primary School
Time  6pm – 11pm
A wee Burl: £3.50
Burl n Scran: £10  / £5 for kids

For the first time we are offering tickets for those who just want to come along and enjoy the fabulous music and dancing provided, as always by Chitterybite.  For those of you wanting  scran too – Marianna will be once again be treating us to her delicious Haggis Neeps  & Tatties – so please come hungry!  Dominoes Pizzas will be provided for the kids. Food will be served at 7.30pm.

There will be a bar available throughout the evening, cinema for kids who need a break from dancing, sweetie stall for treats and glitter tattoos.

We will also have a performance area which will be available at set times thoughout the evening and would encourage any children or adults who wish to share any Burns poetry or songs to get involved and help us celebrate Burns in style. There will be a sign up sheet available on the night for anyone wishing to perform.  As the children have been studying Scottish literacy we are more than happy to include any other works that they have been enjoying.

We hope to see many of you there.  Bring you dancing shoes!

Thanks again,

The Parent Council

P2 and P3 Cooking

Dear parents/carers,
The third block of our Primary 2 and 3 Technology Zone is quickly approaching. We will continue to develop skills in woodwork, sewing, digital technology, construction and cooking. This block primary 2 will be making scones and primary 3 will be making shortbread.

Ingredients will include:

Self-raising flour
Baking powder
Pinch of salt
Caster sugar
Dried fruit
Plain flour

Please remember to keep us updated with any changes to allergies so that we can continue to meet the needs of all of our children.
The Technology Zone requires additional adult support and we are looking for volunteers to help out in our different areas. If you able to join us please call the office on 0141 570 570.

Parent Council

Just couple of reminders and updates for you.

Parent Council Meeting & Agenda

The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Friday 31st January at 1.30pm in the school, anyone is welcome and we would love to see some new faces at the meeting.  If there is anything you wish to be discussed then please email our Secretary Vikki McQuarrie on to add to our agenda.  The agenda will be circulated next week in advance of the meeting.


We hope that you all received your ticket booking forms last week which were sent home in school bags, please remember to hand your forms with payment into class teachers by Friday 17th January. We hope to see lots of you there as it is going to be a great night!

If you can’t attend the evening but would still like to support the event, raffle tickets will be on sale next week and we will also be holding a tombola which we hope you can help us with…please donate any items for the tombola to class teachers during the w/c 20th January.  Members of the Parent Council will also be collecting at drop off and collection on Friday 24th January.  Please remember that alcohol cannot be handed in via classrooms but can be handed in to the School office or at the collection next Friday.

So what can you donate?

  • Maybe you are doing Dry January and want to remove some temptations?
  • A healthy start to the year  means getting those Christmas chocolates out the house!
  • A gift that didn’t quite work for you? Someone else might love it!
  • Toiletries, bath sets, unwanted gifts anything at all that is new but looking for a new home.

All donations however big or small gratefully received! Remember we need your support in order to make this event a success.

Thanks again,

The Parent Council

Storytime at Giffnock

Welcome to” Storytime at Giffnock”.

Storytime Flyer January 2020

We want all of our children to have the opportunity to listen to high quality storytelling. People from our Giffnock School Community will entertain you with a range of our favourite stories. Keep an eye on our ‘Nursery/ Storytime at Giffnock’ page on the website for other stories that will follow in the coming weeks.

Are you sitting comfortably? Let the story begin!

Story 1: The Gruffalo

Giffnock Family Support Team

We continue to offer our informal drop ins with the following staff on the dates and times below. The sessions are all held in school and  all are welcome.

Supporting children and families:

Family First Julie Douglas drop ins Tuesdays 7,14,21,28 January 2020 from 2-3pm

Seasons for Growth:

All parents invited for Seasons for Growth parental support session 16th January 2020 at 9am

Supporting children and families of multi lingual learners:

Kiran Ayaz Wednesdays 8, 15,22, 29 January 2020 from 3.30 -4pm.

P2 and P3 Technology

The third block of our Primary 2 and 3 Technology Zone will take place from the week beginning Monday 13th January until Friday 24th. We will continue to develop skills in woodwork, sewing, digital technology, construction and cooking.

The Technology Zone requires additional adult support and we are looking for volunteers to help out in our different areas. If you able to join us please call the office on 0141 570 570 once we return from our winter break.

Week beginning 13th January
Monday 13th

1.30 – 2.45

Tuesday 14th

1.30 – 2.45

Thursday 16th

9.10 – 10.25

Friday 17th

1.30 – 2.45

Primary 3b Primary 3a Primary 2a Primary 2b

scottish literacy week talking homework

Scottish Literacy Week Talking Homework.

In school this week we are celebrating Scottish literacy. The children will have the opportunity to explore and enjoy Scottish texts, poetry, songs and rhymes. On Friday, throughout the day all of the children will be involved in workshops with Macastory in preparation for a whole school afternoon performance.

This week’s homework is Talking Homework with a Scottish literacy theme. Please following the link below for access to the activity.

If you are new to the school or would like a reminder about Talking Homework you can access our Parental Information Booklet here –

Talking Homework Parental Booklet 2019

On Friday the children will verbally feedback to their peers, there is no need to write anything down. However if your child would like to bring in a Scottish text, poem or song they would be very welcome to.

We are looking forward to hearing all of your family ideas.
Yours sincerely,
Miss N. Stead
Acting Principal Teacher


Halal and specialist diets

Specialist Diets

If your child requires a special diet for medical reasons, you should obtain a Medically prescribed diet registration form from the school office and send with an accompanying letter from a medical practitioner or dietician confirming the specific details of the diagnosis to your school office.  Once the form has been received you will be contacted by one of the catering team to discuss your child’s dietary needs and outline the process ensuring a suitable meal is provided.

For pupils wishing to access the Halal menu then a Cultural diet request form should be completed and for any pupils wishing to access the Vegan or Vegetarian menu then a Lifestyle request form should be completed, both forms are available from the school office

Please note that it’s your responsibility to inform us about changes in your child dietary needs.

Halal Menus

GPS Multi Lingual Support

Recently one of our school interest groups met to look at ways of approaching how we support multi lingual learners and families.

A few areas of interest were discussed as below:

  • If you are interested in further learning you can contact the Adult Learning team either by phone on 0141 577 3306 or by email This could be for lots of reasons like other languages or for job preparation. Contact the team to find out what might interest you.
  • We have also encouraged more families to become involved in our parent council  you can leave a message for our members either at the school office or by sending them an email to
  •  Helping in school, do you have any interests or time to spare? Can you help with a club? Sewing? Craft? Cooking? Other languages.

Please let us know if you are interested or have any spare time – we would love to hear from you.

Flu Vaccinations

Could we please remind you that the NHS staff will be carrying out flu vaccinations in school next Tuesday.

If you completed a consent form for your child but because of the delay have subsequently had them vaccinated elsewhere you should contact the NHS directly to advise them (NHS Helpline 0800 224488).

Hopscotch Theatre – Nursery afternoon children

You may already be aware that Hopscotch Theatre is visiting the school during the morning of Friday 13th December.  We do not want any child to miss out on this event and therefore the nursery afternoon children have the opportunity to attend the pantomime at 9.15am as long as you accompany them and are responsible for them during the performance.  You may bring younger siblings but you are responsible for them also and if you need to leave for any reason you must take your nursery child with you.  Please report to the nursery by 9.05am to be in time for the performance and take your child home at the end.

To confirm, your child should attend the afternoon nursery session as normal.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask the nursery staff.

Nursery Nativity

We would like to advise you of the following details regarding the Nursery Nativity – the performances are at 11.15am and 2.15pm depending upon which session your child attends.

Tuesday 17th December is the dress rehearsal which grandparents/carers may attend.

Wednesday 18th December is the performance for parents/carers.

You should enter via the nursery entrance as usual and the maximum number of guests each day is 2 per child.

We look forward to welcoming you to the nursery for the event.

Christmas Parties

We wanted to remind you of Christmas Party dates for your children (shown below).  As usual children can come to school dressed in their party clothes on their party day.

NURSERY AM – Thursday 19/12/19 – AM
NURSERY PM – Thursday 19/12/19 – PM
P1 – Thursday 19/12/19 – PM
P2 – Wednesday 18/12/19 – PM
P3 – Wednesday 18/12/19 – PM
P4 – Tuesday 17/12/19 – PM
P5 – Monday 16/12/19 – PM
P6 – Wednesday 18/12/19 – AM
P7 – Wednesday 18/12/19 (The Boathouse)