Our Parent Calendar 2019-20 has been updated on our school website. Please keep an eye on this throughout the year for important dates and events:
GPS Parental Calendar of Events 2019-20
Our Parent Calendar 2019-20 has been updated on our school website. Please keep an eye on this throughout the year for important dates and events:
GPS Parental Calendar of Events 2019-20
Our annual Meet the Teacher event will be on Wednesday 28th August, 6-7pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Our Health & Wellbeing Parental Leaflet for Term 1 is now available, which includes PE Days for each class. Please be aware that PE lessons can additionally happen on any day of the week and we would advise that the appropriate PE kit be kept in school throughout the week:
Health & Wellbeing Parental Leaflet Term 1 2019-20
Welcome back! The warmest welcome to all our Giffnock Family and a special welcome to all our new children and families. We hope that you have a great first day and we look forward to seeing everyone around the school this morning.
Congratulations on leading our summer gathering and all our best wishes to our wonderful Primary 7s. We hope that all our families have a fantastic summer holiday!
School Holidays for next session, 2019-20, are now available through the following link. Please note that there has been a national change to the May bank holiday weekend:
In order to help with summer preparations for uniform and the new school year, we have updated our uniform parental guide:
Sports Day is ON today. The weather forecast is for dry from here on – bring a plastic bag to sit on if you can!
We hope you enjoy reading about a range of activities and experiences from the last few months:
PE Days have been amended to align with new timetabling for Term 2 and these are available for you through the link below:
During the first week back of the new term, all of our children will be learning more about Scottish Literacy. To support this learning, please watch the short video link explaining the Talking Homework for all of our children for this week, which will replace all other homework, and the question to focus upon. Thank you for your ongoing support:
You may be aware that there have been changes to the way DYP payments are made under the Universal Credit System. This may also mean there will be two payments over a holiday period.
For further information please go to:
www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/uc or https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit
If you have an enquiry you can also contact:
East Renfrewshire Council Money Advice Team on http://www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/money
Or Customer Services Team at customerservices@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk or alternatively call them on 0141 577 3001
We hope this information is of use to you,
Please see below for detailed information on these two matters:
Primary 1 Session 2019-20 Applications Information
Deferring Entry to School Leaflet Dec 2018
Look out for paper copies coming out to all P6 children next week:
We hope you enjoy looking back at some of our experiences from the autumn weeks at Giffnock Primary School:
Giffnock Primary School Autumn 2018 Newsletter | |
Welcome to our Autumn 2018 Newsletter. We have included a broad array of experiences and activities that our children have been enjoying, alongside many achievements that we can all feel pr… | |