Dear parent/carer ,
The Scottish Government is currently running a survey on early learning and childcare and you are invited to take part by using an on-line form – see the link below.
What is the survey about?
The survey asks about people’s use of and views on early learning and childcare including nurseries, childminders, playgroups, or family centres.
The Scottish Government plans to increase the hours of free early learning and childcare available to 3 and 4 year olds, and some 2 year olds (further details can be found at This will be a really significant change for children (and their parents and carers), and to help plan for this the Scottish Government is interested in hearing the views of households with children aged 0-5. This includes parents or carers who do not currently use early learning and childcare.
Giving your views
You can complete the survey online at
Everyone taking part has the option to be entered into a draw to win one of 10 x £100 cash prizes.
The survey is voluntary, but your responses will help the Scottish Government plan for the increase in free early learning and childcare. If you feel that you are not the right person in your household to take part, you can pass this letter on to someone else. If you know of anyone else who might be interested in the survey, or if for example you are a member of a relevant Facebook group, please also feel free to pass on the link to the survey.
The survey is strictly confidential. The Scottish Government have asked Craigforth (independent researchers) to run the survey, and no-one outside Craigforth will know who has taken part or have access to individual responses. Reporting of survey results will also make sure that no-one taking part can be identified.
If you would like to talk to someone about the survey, or if you would prefer to complete the survey by phone, you can contact Chris Thornton or Louise Blair at Craigforth on Freephone 0800 027 2245 or email