Dear Parents / Carers,
The Pupils at Giffnock Primary School will be helping families in Malawi by participating in the JTS (Just Trading Scotland) 90kg Rice Challenge. Malawi is one of the poorest counties in Africa and a result, secondary education is not free. JTS works directly with farmers in Malawi to develop sustainable markets for long grain ‘Kilombero’ rice. The sale of just 90Kg of rice covers the fees for one child to attend secondary school for a year.
To support this cause, the Pupil Council representatives will be selling delicious fair trade Kilombero rice in school every morning between 9 – 9.30am on the following dates: (until stock runs out)
Monday 23rd May, Tuesday 24th May, Wednesday 25th May, Thursday 26th May, Wednesday 1st June, Thursday 2nd June, Friday 4th June
On Tuesday 24th May, rice will be on sale at the nursery between 12.45 and 1.15.
The rice will cost £3 per KG bag and it would be really helpful if pupils could bring the correct money to school in an envelope. The rice comes with a free recipe leaflet (created by the pupil council) and an entry into our prize draw. This rice is more expensive than a leading supermarket brand, but by buying the JTS rice you will know that the farmer who has grown the rice is getting a fair price for their product.
In addition to selling the rice, the pupils at Giffnock Primary school have been taking part in activities to raise awareness of ‘The Rights of The Child and Fair Trade and have been exploring the similarities and differences between Malawi and the U.K.
After purchasing the rice, it would be great if you could send in to school any recipes or photos of your cooked rice for our display.
Many Thanks Miss Bruce