Dear Parent/Carer
We are very fortunate to run several after school clubs here at Giffnock.
As you will appreciate this takes considerable organisation and I thank the many members of our staff who give of their time so freely.
Our clubs are popular and often oversubscribed. For this reason I would ask for your support in encouraging your child/children to attend all sessions at any club place allocated.
There have been a number of times when children have simply not turned up for clubs without any notification. This results in unnecessary concern and staff having to make contact with parents/carers to ensure the children concerned are safe.
To prevent this in future can I please ask for your support in informing the school in writing (or by telephoning the school office) if there is an occasion when your child/children cannot or will not be attending after being present in school in order for the adult(s) running the clubs to have an accurate register and ensure all pupils are accounted for.
Yours sincerely
Pauline Ferguson
Head Teacher