Tag Archives: – Achievement

Scottish Synchronized Swimming Club Championships 2015


 trio  duet 2  feet 3

Congratulations to Ailish (and Heather Bingham) who recently competed in the Scottish Synchronized Swimming Club Championships as members of Clydebank Synchronized Swimming Club.

This is a club championship where all ages/skills compete in each section with the aim of getting the best place possible to accumulate club points.  1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each section additionally get medals so Ailish and Heather had to compete with the senior skill swimmers for any medal places.

Clydebank brought back the trophy for the third consecutive year, so are once again Scottish Club Champions coming home with the Mary Black Rosebowl.

Ailish and Heather were delighted to get a silver medal for their trio, Ailish was placed 4th for her first ever duet and her team placed 5th (their senior team getting 1st).

Well done to both girls on their achievements.

Malawi fundraising fun

Fund Raiser 2. jpegAn excellent afternoon of football was had at Barrhead High today, and all for a good cause too!

With three of our senior students heading off on a trip to Malawi later this year, Matthew Halligan (S6) set about organising a football tournament to raise funds.  Students across all year groups signed up to either play football or spectate.

Well done to all of the boys who played football and to the many students who cheered them on; a fantastic atfernoon was had by all!


Diana Award – fantastic achievement

Diana AwardsCongratulations to two of our senior students, Fraser Lundie and Kierran Adams, who have both won a Diana Award for their voluntary work.

Keirran has coached young goalkeepers both in school and in the local community.

Fraser Lundie has hosted  his own show on Pulse FM for the past 3 years. Fraser also delivered presentations on the Holocaust following his trip to Auschwitz.

As a result of their award, both boys have been invited to London to celebrate their success with 75 other UK winners.

Congratulations to both boys.

Swimming Success

IMG_3285Well done to Kirsty McGinley (S5) who managed to squeeze in three qualifications swims, during her SQA exams, at the West District Seniors.  As a result, Kirsty has been invited to the Summer Meet in Edinburgh in July.

The British and Summer meets are invite only seeing the top 25 British swimmers being invited to the British Meet and the next 10,15 or 20 Scottish swimmers , dependant on stroke/ distance being invited to the Summer Meet.

Kirsty has also managed to achieve 10 qualifying times for the Scottish Nationals Open which she will be attending at the end of June.

A fantastic achievement Kirsty, and good luck with your upcoming meets.

Hillwalk for Nepal – Saturday 30th May 2015

DSC_0133Over 100 pupils, parents and staff, and their families and friends, joined together today for a charity hill walk for Nepal. A bus left the school at 9.30 and more folk met us in Balmaha for the walk up Conic Hill. The weather could not have been better and we made quick progress up and had lunch on top before heading back down.

Pupils had expressed their concern over the last month as they heard the news coming through about the earthquakes in Nepal. This was made more real for them when Mrs Knowles (Maths teacher) spoke to them at assemblies of the 5 years she had spent in Kathmandu, the people she had met and the current situation. She showed us photos of the sherpa that took her to Everest Basecamp, his family and house and the recent effect on his village, which had been wiped out with only 1 house left standing.

DSC_0182The pupils decided that the most appropriate response was a charity hill walk with all money raised being sent to help the relief work. All money raised should be brought in to the School Office next week and if any other pupils, parents or staff wish to contribute, they are welcome to do so.

We enjoyed a great day but it is good to know that this will also bring benefit to people in real need.

A big thank you to all who participated.

Mr Sinclair


Congratulations to three Barrhead High senior students who recently competed in the  Scottish National 5K swimming competition.

The results are as follows


Kirsty McGinley :  Time. 01:06:12  Result : Gold medalist in 15/16 age group/ 6th place in Open.

Neil MacCuish   : Time. 01:06:11. Result : 9th in 17/24 age group / 16 th in Open.

Iain MacCuish    : Time. 01:09:30. Result : 5th in 15/16 age group / 20 th in Open.

Well done to Kirsty, Neil and Iain.

S1 – Rapid Response Project


Runners up – Group 11


(Adam, Rory, Kieran, Kyle, Rebecca, Kerry, Holly)

Winning Team – Group 14


(Sheean, Callum, Lauren, Connor, Graeme, Emma)

Well done to our S1 students who all took part in the Rapid Response Project yesterday.  Rapid Response is an inter-disciplinary project, created by the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), that invloves S1 students working on a scenario involving the rebuilding of a hurricane-devasted country.

Students competed in groups to build plastic shelters, purify water, create wind turbines and to improve communication through ICT.  Well done to all of S1 students.

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Fundraising for the Brightest Star

Brightest StarS2 check-in group would like to thank all staff and pupils who helped us raise £45 for the Brightest Star charity by guessing Bamboo George’s birthday.

The lucky winner of the panda is Emily Wallace (S6) who guessed correctly, December 19th.

Please come to pupil support base to collect him.

Thank you, again.

S2 check-in