Hillwalk for Nepal – Saturday 30th May 2015

DSC_0133Over 100 pupils, parents and staff, and their families and friends, joined together today for a charity hill walk for Nepal. A bus left the school at 9.30 and more folk met us in Balmaha for the walk up Conic Hill. The weather could not have been better and we made quick progress up and had lunch on top before heading back down.

Pupils had expressed their concern over the last month as they heard the news coming through about the earthquakes in Nepal. This was made more real for them when Mrs Knowles (Maths teacher) spoke to them at assemblies of the 5 years she had spent in Kathmandu, the people she had met and the current situation. She showed us photos of the sherpa that took her to Everest Basecamp, his family and house and the recent effect on his village, which had been wiped out with only 1 house left standing.

DSC_0182The pupils decided that the most appropriate response was a charity hill walk with all money raised being sent to help the relief work. All money raised should be brought in to the School Office next week and if any other pupils, parents or staff wish to contribute, they are welcome to do so.

We enjoyed a great day but it is good to know that this will also bring benefit to people in real need.

A big thank you to all who participated.

Mr Sinclair