Scottish Synchronized Swimming Club Championships 2015


 trio  duet 2  feet 3

Congratulations to Ailish (and Heather Bingham) who recently competed in the Scottish Synchronized Swimming Club Championships as members of Clydebank Synchronized Swimming Club.

This is a club championship where all ages/skills compete in each section with the aim of getting the best place possible to accumulate club points.  1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each section additionally get medals so Ailish and Heather had to compete with the senior skill swimmers for any medal places.

Clydebank brought back the trophy for the third consecutive year, so are once again Scottish Club Champions coming home with the Mary Black Rosebowl.

Ailish and Heather were delighted to get a silver medal for their trio, Ailish was placed 4th for her first ever duet and her team placed 5th (their senior team getting 1st).

Well done to both girls on their achievements.