Category Archives: Outdoor learning

Quadrilateral investigations

We spent time today learning all about quadrilaterals and their properties including details about the types of angles they have. We learned that every quadrilateral has four sides and the sum of its internal angles is 360 degrees.

We wondered if every quadrilateral could be split into two triangles and we had great fun making all the shapes and working out that they can. 😊

Lots of learning outside!

What an incredible morning we had oozing with learning! First we warmed up with some shape name games and making different four sided shaped with Mrs Kelly’s new rainbow sticks. After that we moved on to a game to revise our understanding of place value. Finally we moved on to learning how to use orienteering punches and got very out of breath running around searching for the correct numbers to punch our cards. We rounded off with another shape categorising game.

There were certainly lots of happy faces as we headed back indoors for lunch.


Today we enjoyed taking part in five different activities introducing us to orienteering. We learned how important it is to identify where North is on a map and how helpful it is to hold a map the correct way round. We used our skills to locate numbers and words and to record them and we also enjoyed following route directions and making up our own routes.

We faced drizzly rain all morning, but that didn’t stop our enthusiasm and enjoyment learning outside. 😊 🌧

Outdoor learning

We had a great morning learning about birds eye views and then creating our own maps.

In our groups we decided on natural materials to use to create our very own maps of the school grounds. We then collected materials and created these brilliant maps.

Once we had finished we returned all the materials to where we found them, we are trying hard to  remember that all we take back inside from being outdoors are our memories. 😊