All posts by gw16crawfordmegan@glow

Setting Descriptions

Primary 6.21 have been learning about the importance of creating detailed setting descriptions to set the scene.  They were asked to create a setting description based on the short clip Embarked.  Once they had completed their description it was then shared with another member  of the class who was tasked with drawing the setting they were reading,

Rebecca: “I thought that some members of the class didn’t add enough detail to their descriptions and it made it hard to add detail”.

Miraaya. “I really enjoyed drawing Jamie’s setting description as I was able to add lots of detail to the setting”.




Code Along for Christmas

P6.21 took part in the Education Scotland Code Along challenge and were able to create a memory game on Scratch. It was a challenge at times, but they were able to follow the instructions and create the ‘Jazzy Jumper’ game.  They were able to apply the knowledge they have been learning about in their current Mearns Masters pathway, The Coders, to develop their skills and understanding of code.

Click the links below to try a few of the games out.

Mearns Masters-The Coders

Primary 6.21 have moved onto their second Mearns Masters pathway of the year, The Coders. They shared their understanding of coding using a Jamboard and enjoyed sharing their understanding with the class.

Primary 6 were given their design brief and got to work on creating a storyboard to collate their ideas. They then enjoyed tinkering with the sphereos, scratch and lego robotics.