Week beginning 24th October

Despite it being a four day week after the October holiday, we managed to pack a lot in!

Here are some of the activities and learning we’ve been involved in this week:

M&M theatre company presented us with Sleeping Beauty. Thanks to the PTA for funding this.

Our Spark Park fundraising sports event was great fun, we completed all the challenges and were lucky enough to have lots of pupil volunteers from Mearns Castle who helped it all run really smoothly.

Miss Hunter was invited to visit our class on Wednesday as we wanted her to see how well we were working in teams to improve our reading skills as we played ‘Reading Race’ in the classroom. She was really impressed and said we should definitely try to share our method with others to help them improve their skills in reading carefully and answering questions in a more in depth way.

Our Mearns Masters Showcase took place on Thursday. We invited the Primary five classes to our computer arcade and they played the three level games we created in our coding masterclasses. Everyone had a great time and the P5s were really impressed with our games.

Friday saw us outside on a rather chilly and wet morning to play some more of the games we created ourselves a few weeks ago. Everyone enjoyed their chance to teach and learn new games. We also took part in some peer assessment and worked really well on offering suggestions for improvements on each of the games.



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