Week Beginning 3rd October

After an incredibly busy week last week in Lockerbie, we had a calmer start to our week with PE, some personal reading and some writing tasks related to our week away. We also enjoyed creating some art work and music for our Fresh Prince of Bel Air performance and moving towards completing this term’s Mearns Masters coding challenge.

Thursday saw us attending our 5-7 Leadership Assembly where we celebrated leadership in all its forms across the school. Many of our class received certificates and badges to start them off on this special and final year of leadership for many of us in Mearns Primary. We also had an opportunity to think about leaders we knew and what qualities and skills they possess that make them successful.

Committees and groups were announced as well as prefects, house captains and vice captains and also head pupils. Here are some photos of us being presented.


And finally a photo of all the 7.28 pupils who have leadership responsibilities this year.

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