
Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 08.03.2021

Hope you are all happy and well. 😊 We are in the middle of Fair Trade Fortnight, this is Science Week and Sunday is Mother’s Day. Phew! What a busy week! Find below a few activities you might choose to do, associated with this.  Fair Trade Fortnight When we buy goods with the Fair Trade …

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Hope you are all happy and well. 😊 We are in the middle of Fair Trade Fortnight, this is Science Week and Sunday is Mother’s Day. Phew! What a busy week! Find below a few activities you might choose to do, associated with this.

 Fair Trade Fortnight

When we buy goods with the Fair Trade logo on it we know that the producer has been paid a fair amount of money to produce it. This means they can afford to pay their bills, buy enough food, clothes and any needed medicines for their families and ensure they can educate their children. Look in your kitchen cupboards and see what Fair Trade items you can find. You might find the logo on sugar, chocolate, cocoa, tea, coffee, ice cream and bananas. How many can you find? You’ve maybe had Fair Trade roses in your house.

Listen to the Fair Trade Mark Song.

Fair Trade Mark Song

  Bananas are well known Fair Trade Goods. They are easy to chop as they are soft. How many pieces are you able to chop one banana in to?

  You could maybe have a wee competition with your family.

In the game below you can make a peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich. You can find Fair Trade varieties of peanut butter (provided it is safe for you to eat it) and honey too.

Cookie Monsters Foodie Truck

 Banana Loaf

3 very ripe bananas

3 large free range eggs

100g soft light brown sugar

150ml sunflower or vegetable oil

275g white self raising flour

1 tsp ground mixed spice

1 tsp baking powder

  1. Preheat oven to 180 deg C/160 deg C Fan/Gas no 4 and grease and line a 900g/2lb loaf tin

  2. Peel the bananas and mash. Tip into a large mixing bowl and add the eggs, sugar and oil. Whisk to combine.

  3. Add the flour, spice and baking powder and whisk together until thoroughly combined. Pour into prepared tin. Bake for 40 minutes, or until cake is well risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

  4. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack. Serve warm or cold in slices. Spread with butter if you like.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day but really it is a day to thank all those who help and look after us at home, not just mum’s. Help your mum, dad or carer around the house. Try doing the recycling, dusting, tidying up, hoovering, setting the table or washing the dishes. These are just a few ideas. You do not have to do them all! Just do your best to be a good helper.

 Amazing Bananas         

You will need:- bananas, lolly sticks, plastic knife, silicone paper and oven tray.

1.  Peel and cut bananas in half.

  1. Stick a lolly stick in to flat end of banana.

  2. Place the bananas on the tray with silicone paper and put into the freezer.

  3. Wait a few hours for the bananas to freeze.

  4. Take bananas out of freezer.

How did freezing effect the banana’s taste, texture and colour?

   If you want you can dip the lollies in chocolate or liquidise the frozen bananas to make healthy banana ‘ice cream’. Yum!

I hope you enjoy trying some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe!

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