Author: Mr McGurn

Farewell to our 2020 leavers!

Today we say goodbye to our senior pupils, although not in the way we would have expected! You have been a credit to your school and our staff would like to show their appreciation for your efforts over the years in the form of this online yearbook that you can download.

In each yearbook you will find messages from your teachers. There is also some space for you to ask your classmates to add their own message to you as well.

Take care and all the very best for the future!

Keep in touch!

Auchinleck Academy 2020

Cumnock Academy 2020

The RBA -Team

The RBA-Team – OPERATION: LOCKDOWN” features footage of staff from The Robert Burns Academy in during the weeks of school closure in 2020. This short movie is intended for the amusement of our pupils and their families, our local communities in the area around Auchinleck & Cumnock, and for our friends & colleagues in other establishments and partner agencies. We hope you enjoy our wee movie, and we’re looking forward to seeing our pupils back in school in August.

Special thanks to Kevin from “Ayrshire From Above” for kind permission to use his amazing drone footage for the title sequences in this movie. Please check out and subscribe to his YouTube channel here: