New School App, Safer Schools Scotland, to replace existing communication app.

We will stop using our existing app as our form of communication from this Friday,  31st March 2023.  All future communication messages will come via our new Safer Schools Scotland App.

The new Safer Schools Scotland App gives empowering, current and informative information on current digital platforms/tools/apps in an accessible manner.  Within the app there are different users. Please find below and attached details about how to download the app and set everything up.
-Go to your App Store for Apple or Google Play and search for ‘Safer School Scotland’
-Set up your account
-In the school field type ‘Stewarton Academy’
Amend as appropriate – The code Parents/Carers is 1990
-To receive notifications we recommend enabling push notifications.

Please read the instructions below on the PDF attachment carefully before downloading the App.

We trust that you will find this information helpful. The new App has many beneficial features which we will highlight to you in due course.
However, for now, please ensure you download the app and get it set up to continue receiving communications from the school.

(Please note the current code is for parents and carers – pupils will be supported to long in to the pupil section later in the year).

Best wishes,

John Stuart
Head Teacher

Instructions for the Safer Schools App

Science @ Stewarton Third Event

Dear Young People and Parents of Stewarton Academy,

The third and final “Science in Stewarton” event of 2023 will be running 1830-2000 on Thursday 30th March at the Academy.  Once more the Institute of Physics Scotland is looking forward to giving young people and their families in the community a chance to learn about recent developments in science.

The evening will be led by Dr Sophie Renner of the Particle Physics Theory Group at the University of Glasgow.  She will give a presentation entitled “The Lives of Particles” which will look at the history of particles, some of which have been around since the dawn of the Universe itself! She will also talk about her own career and the places that studying physics has taken her.  Once again there will be hands-on demonstrations for people to play with and plenty of opportunities to ask questions.  More details can be found on the link at the bottom of this message.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

Dr Peter H. Sneddon

Institute of Physics Scotland

Science @ Stewarton Third Event

Equalities Bookshop Trip

Last Thursday he Stewarton Academy Equalities Group visited the Category Is Bookshop in the Southside of Glasgow. Those attending had a very interesting  question and answer session on matters relating to equality and discrimination with the owners. Pupils also spent time browsing the shop and  and buying recommended books.