Category Archives: Rights Respecting School

Visit from charity 4ward2gether

On Monday the Equalities and LGBTQ+ Group had the pleasure of welcoming John and Courtney from the charity 4ward2gether.  This charity focuses on helping to bring together communities and teach everyone the message of diversity and inclusion and to combat prejudice. John spoke to the group and outlined how they help to reduce many forms of discrimination such as sexism, ageism, homophobia, sectarianism and so on. The group found the talk along with the question and answer session very interesting and we look forward to welcoming the charity back in the near future.

Equalities Bookshop Trip

Last Thursday he Stewarton Academy Equalities Group visited the Category Is Bookshop in the Southside of Glasgow. Those attending had a very interesting  question and answer session on matters relating to equality and discrimination with the owners. Pupils also spent time browsing the shop and  and buying recommended books.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day which is an International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. 

At Stewarton Academy the occasion was marked with a presentation created by history teacher Miss Stirling and a group of S3 pupils. This presentation focused on the fact that the majority of victims were ordinary people and those who planned the Holocaust were ordinary people too.

Holocaust Memorial Day along with rights based education enables us to keep talking about what happened to ensure it never happens again. To view the presentation please click on the link below.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2023