All posts by Mr Stuart

Paris Trip Update 5 – 07:00 14-6-24

Paris Trip update 5 – 07:00

The Group left the hotel on time and are now back at the airport and passing through security.

The Easy Jet flight tracker website is showing that the flight to Manchester is due to leave on time this morning – showing 10:05 rather than 10:10 quoted last night.

Paris Trip update 4 – 23:59

Paris Trip Update 4 – 23:59

The Stewarton group have been placed in the following hotel overnight:

Hotel Campanile
Allee des Vergers

They will get breakfast at 6 am French time, 7 am pick up to airport.
Flight EZY2106 from Paris CDG to Manchester – take off 10:10 (French time)
Arrive 10:35 (UK time)

Further update on return coach trip to Stewarton will be given tomorrow.

We apologise to all families for the inconvenience involved and thank you for your support at this time.

Kind regards,

John Stuart

Head Teacher

Paris Update 3 – 22:45 UK time 13-06-24

Paris Trip Update 3 – 22:55

The group are on their way to a hotel by coach now.
Travel details for tomorrow are still being confirmed.
Initial information is that a flight has been arranged for tomorrow.
The group are due to be picked up at 7.00 am tomorrow, French time.
We are waiting to confirm the flight. The likely departure time is 10:10 am.
Please note that it is possible that the group will be diverted to Manchester with coach transfer arranged back to Stewarton.
I will provide a further update once this has been confirmed.

Kind regards.

John Stuart

Head Teacher

Paris Update 2

Paris trip update 2 – 22:21 on 13/06/2024

Latest update is that the Paris trip group are still together in the airport.

The school staff in Paris are communicating with Easy Jet and our Tour Provider to finalise arrangements for accommodation tonight and flight arrangements for tomorrow.

I understand that accommodation arrangements are progressing. I will be in touch again as soon as the transfer arrangements to the hotel are confirmed.

Kind regards,

John Stuart

Head Teacher

Paris Trip 24 Update 1

Paris Trip Update 1: 20:25 UK time – 13/6/24

Notice for all parents/ carers of pupils on the Paris Trip for Stewarton Academy.

Unfortunately, Mr Smallwood has just been informed that the return flight this evening has been cancelled by Easy Jet.

The group have been asked to collect their bags (they had been waiting to board).

We have no further information at this time about alternative arrangements.

Please do not be alarmed by this information. You may be aware that the same problem happened to the Paris trip last year.
On that occasion, Easy Jet arranged for transport to a hotel for the night and then a replacement flight the next day.
We are currently assuming that similar arrangements will be put in place this time.

However, we will update you with details as soon as we have these.

Kind regards.

John Stuart

Head Teacher


New session information

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find attached a copy of the new session information just published on the school app. Also attached to this post is a copy of the letter for parents/ carers of  new S1 pupils.

Letter to Parents and Carers- 11 August 2023

S1 letter June 2023.pdf

Information about how to down load and use the school app can  be found in the post below:

Important S1-S3 Prize Giving Update – time alterations for Tue 6th June 2023

Important Message for all Parents/ Carers and Pupils S1, S2 and S3 only – who are attending Prize Giving on Tuesday 6th June 2023

We have had an exceptionally large and positive engagement and interest in Prize Giving this session. In particular, the demand for tickets from supportive parents, carers and family members has been far higher than in previous sessions.

In order to accommodate the numbers involved we have taken the decision today, to separate Prize Giving for S1 – 3 on Tuesday 6th June into two sections.

(Please note that the S4-6 Prize Giving on the following evening is not affected).

New timings are as follows:

S1 and S2 Prize Giving – 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm

S3 only Prize Giving 7.15 pm – 8 pm

Please contact the office if this adjustment of times causes any difficulties for you as a family as we have contingency plans in place for this scenario.
Please note that if you have a child at Prize Giving for S1-2 and another child in the S3 Prize Giving your tickets will be valid for both slots on the evening.

Please let the office know if you have requested tickets but are no longer able to attend.

We apologise for altering these arrangements at this stage but we trust that this change will result in a more condensed and pleasurable experience for all.

Further update re Kilmaurs transport

Further update from the school transport team regarding Kilmaurs to Stewarton Academy buses

Due to the closure of the Irvine Road in Kilmaurs all pupils will be collected on Main Street, Kilmaurs from tomorrow morning (Tuesday 18th April 2023) to Friday.  It is anticipated that the works will be complete by Friday and revert back next Monday 24th April.

Important Message Regarding School Transport Kilmaurs to Stewarton

Important Message Regarding School Transport Kilmaurs to Stewarton

Irvine Road in Kilmaurs is closed this week between 7am and 5pm, therefore there is an impact on school transport for pupils being picked up and dropped off in Kilmaurs from Monday 17th April – Friday 21st April 2023, inclusive.

Marbill Coaches are aware of the closure and will be sending coaches to uplift pupils at either side of the road closure at the normal pick up times.