Onthank Primary School

East Ayrshire Council site

February 25, 2022
by Mrs Findlay

Pupil Voice🧑🏼‍🦱

We are delighted to present our Pupil Voice groups with lanyards to show their responsibility group in school. Here are some photographs from our groups:
Pupil Council, Rights Respecting School, Eco Committee, Health & Safety Officers, Lost Property Detectives, Digital Leaders and Waste Wardens.

February 23, 2022
by Mr McIlwraith

After School Activities – WE’RE BACK! Sign Up – NOW!

#OurOnthank Families,

It is with great excitement we announce the return of #OurOnthank Activities!

Some important information to remember when signing up you child:

  1. All activities will follow guidance and operate safely.
  2. Dance/Drama, Football & Gardening Club will have a maximum of 20 young people and all other activities will have a maximum of 15 young people.
  3. After sign up closes, Mr Swan will review and inform you via letter of your child successfully being enrolled onto the activity register. Dependant on numbers, our activities may operate in 2 groups, for example (March – Easter & Easter – June) This will be confirmed in your letter.
  4. Letters will be provided to your child and brought home in school bags – please check.
  5. Young people are welcome to bring a change of clothes for activities if they wish.
  6. Sporting activities will take place outside (weather dependant).
  7. P1/P2/P3/P4 young people will be collected from their class at the end of the day and taken to their after-school activity. P5/P6/P7 young people will make their way independently to their activity.
  8. If your child decides not to return to an activity, please inform the office.

We are working closely with friends at Active Schools to offer as diverse a programme as possible and will be adding more activities after Easter, including P1/2 Arts & Crafts.

If you have aby questions please contact the school on 01563 525477 or email Mr Swan at steven.swan@eastayrshire.org.uk Happy to help anytime!

Please complete the FORM below to register your child.

Sign Up CLOSES SUNDAY 27 FEB – sign up NOW!

We can’t wait to welcome you back to #OurOnthank After School Activities!

February 23, 2022
by eanicola.newall@glow

P5-7 Code Club

We are delighted to offer a Coding Club to pupils from P5-7. 

Mrs Newall and Chris from ‘Make it Happen Club’ will run the club on Thursdays after school from 3-4pm.  The places are restricted in line with Covid guidance so Mrs Newall will confirm your child’s place next week via email when sign up will close.  Your child should not attend the club unless they have a confirmed place.  If we have a lot of interest, we may run a second block.

The club will begin on Thursday 17th March and run every Thursday 3-4pm.

Please complete the short form to enrol.


February 21, 2022
by User deactivated

This Week’s Star Pupils


Primary 1

1C – Lucie & Adam for keeping their new  glasses on all day

1K – Emma – fantastic ‘have a go’ writing

1M – Mhairi – super writing


Primary 2

2E – Mia – brilliant number work in maths

2K – Lauchlan – for good answers at number time

2S – Hayden – growing in confidence

Eilidh – answering very articulately


Primary 3

3B – Heather – for working well

3N – Josh – working hard to write super sentences

3S – Starla – for being brave and for amazing phonics

3T – Ayat – for her enthusiasm for learning and progress she has made since joining


Primary 4

4E – Lana – for producing a super ‘kind’ quote

4M – Josh – amazing class work and being a kind, caring pupil

4W – Charlie – for always being so creative. Great ideas!


Primary 5

5AK – TJ – super effort in literacy

5B – Lewis – for being a brilliant role model for other pupils in your class, by working so hard in all of our lessons


Primary 6

6A – Jessica – a great number talks explanation

6F – Reece – Big improvement in maths

6IS – Jack – Super spelling

6N – Ross – persevering & working hard to complete tasks with success


Primary 7

7C – Ellie – excellent work in numeracy

7M – Cody – Great behaviours displayed in the playground

7MC – Christopher – for continual hard work and effort


Centre 1 – for working well and focusing on forming his letters correctly


Deputy Head Teacher’s Award

Molly, Jaxon, Erin, Luke – for representing the school at Ayrshire College


February 19, 2022
by Mrs Findlay

Eco Meeting 🍅🥕

P4-7 Eco Reps met and discussed :International Food Day, Food for Thought and Waste Wardens duties. Lots of exciting ideas were given by all pupils which we will discuss with our catering staff. Looking forward to all the activities.


February 19, 2022
by Mrs Findlay

Dragons at Ayrshire College⭐️

Four  Onthank pupils were invited to Ayrshire College to listen to pitches by college students. They were presenting to us about an events day which all of our P6s and P7s will attend in March.It was a very difficult choice for us, but in the end we put our “Dragon hats on and choose 4 winners. Well done Molly,Jaxon, Erin and Luke👏

February 16, 2022
by eanicola.newall@glow

PC Scade came to visit

PC Scade came to visit some of our classes today to talk about bullying.  Pupils learned about the different forms bullying can take and talked about some of the strategies they could use if they felt they were being bullied.  We now know how the police could help us too!


February 8, 2022
by Mrs Findlay

Scottish Poetry Competition👏👏

Well done to all our class finalists who performed their poem to the whole school through Teams. They were all fantastic. Classes voted for the top 3 overall winners. Congratulations to Ellie P1M , Abigail P4W and Molly P6N 👏👏. Every finalist received a Burns medal and a certificate.⭐️ We are very proud if you.🏆

February 4, 2022
by User deactivated

This Week’s Star Pupils W/C 31/01/22


Primary 1

1A – Callie – for always trying her best in all our activities

1C – Blair & Adam – taking away with really big numbers

1K – Sophie – for helping us to celebrate the Chinese New Year with fortune cookies and lucky money envelopes

1M – Ellie – for reciting her Scots poem with excellent expressions


Primary 2

2E – Anna – Burns Poetry class winner

2K – Taylan – very good effort writing kind compliments with your buddies

2S – Oscar – being a joy in class & always being kind to others


Primary 3


3B – Cody – working hard!

3N – Joseph – for excellent column addition jotters sums

3S – Myla – excellent progress, well done!

3T – Zak – for super effort for the Burns Poem


Primary 4

4E – Amelia – being a successful learner

4M – Mason – excellent maths skills

4W – Khalil – for working well with others


Primary 5

5AK – Christina – always trying her best in class

5B – Logan – working well to complete his short multiplication

5M – Harris – for supporting peers and being kind and helpful


Primary 6

6A – Haleigh – an outstanding Scottish poetry recital

6F – Scarlett – Brilliant progress!

6IS – Leigham – being a mannerly & well behaved pupil

6N – Darcey – positive start at Onthank


Primary 7

7C – Caitlin – super writing

7M – Lyla – excellent Poetry recital and working very well in class

7Mc – Mitchell – having a positive growth mindset to Numeracy


Centre 1

Keira – for being an outstanding and responsible pupil


Deputy Head Teacher’s Award

Warrick & Jackson for showing us how to Celebrate Chinese New Year


January 31, 2022
by eanicola.newall@glow

Anne Frank Trust visit

P6N had a visit from Eilidh who works for the Anne Frank Trust.  They learned a lot about the life of Anne Frank and now know more about equality, prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination.


On Friday, they are going to develop their skills to become peer educators so that we can teach other pupils about these important topics.

January 31, 2022
by User deactivated

This Week’s Star Pupils W/C 24.01.2021


Primary 1

1A – Isabella – for working hard on phonics and blending

1C – Preston – for working really hard on writing sentences

1K – Whole of 1K – super writing

1M – Thea – for loving all the class learning activities this week


Primary 2

2E – Jack – amazing take away skills

2K – Layla – for showing confidence reading out your poem to the whole class. Well done!

2S – Lleyton – for playing football with lots of friends in the playground


Primary 3


3B – Rule – for not giving up!

3N – Aliyah – super notetaking while doing research on the computer

3S – Zachary – for making positive behaviour choices

3T – Andi – for working hard on her Numeracy calculations and challenging herself


Primary 4

4E – Sophie – for helping to tidy up in class

4M – Olivia – Fantastic maths work

4W – Mia – for great effort at Rugby


Primary 5

5AK – Robbie – for having an excellent attitude to classwork

5B – Derryn – for working very well in our Scots writing lesson this week

5M – Robbie – for working really hard on his burns poem


Primary 6

6A -Willow – for super effort with her Scottish poem

6F – Mya – Fantastic reading comprehension

6IS – Erin – making P6IS extremely proud by being the overall EA logo competition winner!

6N – Evan – for being a great participant during lessons


Primary 7

7M – Zak – working hard consistently and always having a pleasant

7Mc – Lyle – Always demonstrating our school values


Centre 1

Alysha – for improving greatly with her handwriting

Centre 3



Deputy Head Teacher’s Award


Brook & Jaxson for being Responsible Citizens whilst represent Onthank Primary


January 28, 2022
by Mrs Andrew


Onthank P6/7 Families,

It is with great excitement we announce the welcomed return of Dance Fest 2022 for our P6 & P7 young people.

Rehearsals will take place following all COVID-19 Dance Guidance ensuring the safety of all. Should you wish to see guidance Mr Swan is happy to provide upon sign up.

Rehearsal Day: Every Friday (04.02.22 – 18.03.22)

Rehearsal Time: 2.50pm – 4pm 

Rehearsal Location: Main Hall (Distanced) 

Dance Fest Dates: TBC by event organisers. Provisionally 22/23/24 March 2022 

Please note: There are only 15 places available and will be allocated on a first come basis. Mr Swan will confirm your child’s place on Wednesday next week via email, when sign up will close.

We can’t wait to return to The Palace Theatre and showcase the talent at Onthank.

Please complete the short form to enrol.

Safe wishes always,

Mr. Swan


January 27, 2022
by eanicola.newall@glow

Well done Erin

Following our competition in school, Erin’s design was selected by East Ayrshire to use as their Cyber Resilience/Internet Safety logo.  We think her design is fantastic and a digital version of it has now been created to share across the authority.  We are so proud of you Erin!

January 21, 2022
by User deactivated

This Week’s Star Pupils W/C


Primary 1

1A – Charlotte – for working hard to improve her reading skills

1C – Ameer – for being very brave in the gym with stage 2 climbing

1K – Murray – for giving his best all day every day

1M – Darren – for making a great start in P1M


Primary 2

2E – Elise – for bringing in some books in Scots & helping with out topic

2K – Connor – trying extra hard to do your work

2S – Skye – excellent progress in reading & writing


Primary 3


3B – Guy – for working so well

3N – Lucy – excellent answers during class discussions

3S – Keira – for working hard in school all day and having a positive attitude

3T – Zeryn – for trying super hard with her calculations and not giving up


Primary 4

4E – Amelia –

4M – Reem – Excellent rugby player!

4W – Lacey – super reciting of her burns poem


Primary 5

5AK – Leo – for working really hard in class this week

5B – Stan – for being very helpful in class

5M – Ben – for displaying great self-awareness and making good choices


Primary 6

6A – Ione – outstanding effort and great contribution in class

6F – Liam – amazing maths

6IS – Shae – completing his homework on time, well done!

6N – Imogen – Making great progress with division work


Primary 7

7M – Emily – for working well in all areas of the Curriculum

7Mc – Adam – for displaying good game and team skills during rugby lessons


Deputy Head Teacher 


Annabella – 1C

For being kind & thoughtful

January 10, 2022
by Mrs Andrew


We can’t wait to welcome your family to #OurOnthank. Get on-board our Onthank train and make us your route to success!
P1 Registration to attend school, for children whose 5th birthday falls between 1 March 2022 and 28 February 2023 takes place during the week Monday 10 January 2022 until Friday 14 January 2022.
To register please complete the P1 Registration form at http://eastayrshi.re/enrolAtSchool no later than Friday 14 January 2022.
If you are unable to register online then please contact our school office on 01563 525477 or email eaonthank.ps@eastayrshire.org.uk and we will assist you in registering your child.
To register your child you will require to:
• upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate
• upload two proofs of your residence in the catchment area in the form of a Council Tax Notice or Utility Bill.
Should you require a copy of your child’s birth certificate for Registration, this can be obtained at www.certificates.scot.
New Year, New School, New Journey – we can’t wait to see you all at #OurOnthank!

December 22, 2021
by Mrs Andrew

#OurOnthank Christmas Concert

We are excited to announce that the #OurOnthank Christmas Concert is now LIVE! Our concert features all your favourite festive tunes, some staff messages and of course an Onthank favourite ‘Dominick the Donkey’!


Our concert can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/oo5FnoVX6k8

Our Onthank Christmas Concert 2021

We are excited to announce that the #OurOnthank Christmas Concert is now LIVE! Our concert features all your favourite festive tunes, some staff messages and…




We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy watching our concert over the festive season!


Merry Christmas from all at Onthank Primary School.


#VirtualChristmas #OurOnthank #ChristmasConcert



December 14, 2021
by eatracey.hamilton@glow

Young Writers Competition

Primary 3 took part in Young Writers poetry competition on the theme of This Is Me.  We are pleased to say 5 of our youngsters have won out of the 20,000 entries from all over the country, and will be published in a book. Here are four of the winners (Holly P3T was absent):

December 3, 2021
by Mrs Andrew

Christmas Lunch

P1, P2 & P3 Christmas Lunch is on Tuesday 7 December

P4 & P5 Christmas Lunch is on Wednesday 8 December

P6 & P7 Christmas Lunch is on Thursday 9 December

If your child would like to order a Christmas Lunch, please choose from options below:

December 3, 2021
by eanicola.newall@glow

Cyber Resilience/Internet safety Logo Competition

The whole school had a logo design competition about Internet Safety and Cyber Resilience.  We want to make sure every pupil knows how to stay safe online and this has kick started our campaign.  We had winners from every stage and the centre.  We think they look great – we hope you agree!


A special mention to Holly in P3 as we have used her design as our Internet Safety Mascot – the Queen of Internet Safety – you will be seeing a lot more of her – keep your eyes peeled!

December 1, 2021
by eanicola.newall@glow

Staying safe online

PC Scade came to school today to teach us all about staying safe online.

We learned about age restrictions on various apps, the importance of not sharing personal details online and cyber bullying.

https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ is a great website to learn about staying safe online.



November 23, 2021
by Mrs Andrew

P7 Leavers’ Hoodies

Can you please give permission by completing/signing form below for your child’s forename and surname to appear on the back of his/her P7 Leavers’ Hoodie.

November 22, 2021
by Mrs Findlay

Children in Need🐻

We were delighted to receive a visit from Pudsey Bear. He met lots of pupils in the playground and he ate Heather’s Pudsey toast. Thank you all for your kind donations.👏👏

We also said Goodbye and Good Luck to our Catering Manager – Heather. Heather gave every pupil a Pudsey shaped shortbread. Thank you⭐️

November 22, 2021
by User deactivated

This Week’s Star Pupils 8th Nov 2021


Primary 1

1A – Mirren – for working hard to blend phonemes

1M – Blair – for all the extra effort he put into his Smart Start Goals

1K and 1C – for wonderful manners.


Primary 2

2S – Katie – working hard in all areas of the curriculum


Primary 3

3B – Rule – for persevering with challenging tasks! Well done.

3N – Rhys – for excellent detail in his Owl who was Afraid of the Dark picture.

3S – Adrian – for amazing numeracy skills

3T Oscar – for his efforts and enthusiasm in PE.


Primary 4

4E – Hudson – for being kind to his classmates.

4M – Bonnie – working her socks off during maths!

4W – Dylan – for an improvement in handwriting


Primary 5

5AK – Ollie – has been trying so hard with his writing this week.

5M – Nicole – for working hard and following every instruction.


Primary 6

6F – Tulisa – for working hard


Primary 7

7Mc – Robyn – for always working extremely hard on everything she does


November 10, 2021

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week 2021 is taking place from Monday 15th November – Friday 19th November. The theme this year is ‘One Kind Word’. We will be launching the week by having ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday 15th November. Come to school wearing odd socks to show that we are ‘All different but all equal.’


November 5, 2021

Pupil Voice

We are very proud of our pupils who did a fantastic job presenting at our Parent Council Meeting.The Pupil Council Chair and Vice Chair gave lots of information about their roles in school by being involved in decision making.The RRS Chair and Vice Chair showed a presentation about all the activities we are doing in school. The Chair of the Eco group informed everyone about our Food Waste campaign and showed a video made by EA Council. Well done everyone👏

COP 26

November 3, 2021 by Ms Merrick | 0 comments

Please enjoy the Eco Committee’s COP 26 assembly.

The senior team want to

  • introduce themselves and their roles
  • and to tell us all about COP 26  which is happening just now.

We  are all very motivated to be a part of Climate Action!


Also have a look for us in the Kilmarnock Standard soon as Rae Warnes and Jodie Fleming were part of EAC Climate Change Conference

November 1, 2021

This Week’s star Pupils W/C 1st Nov



Primary 1

1A – Oscar-  for Marvellous Maths.

1C – Lucas – for working in a team, listening carefully and making words with active literacy boards.

1K – All of 1K – for creating a wonderful cafe for the Tiger to visit for his tea. Yum! Yum!

1M – Sophia – for super reading skills.

Joke of the week:
What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a firework?
Dino-mite! 🦖 💥


Primary 3

3B – Harper – for working hard and showing such enthusiasm for learning maths.

3N – All of 3N for being Superstars this week!

3T – Abie – for her ideas and imagination during class discussions linked to our class novel.


Primary 4

4E – Colin for being so helpful and making sure our classroom is very tidy!

4M – Kyle – for making great progress in maths

4W – Zara – for trying so hard with vertical addition


Primary 5

5AK – Sarah – for showing kindness to her classmates.

5M –Amelia – for working really hard and being a responsible citizen

Primary 6

6A – Alistair – for fantastic slow writing

6F – Chloe – Fantastic Addition


Primary 7

7Mc – Tyler – for continual hard on fractions


Class 3

Tehya – for using super subtraction strategies during numeracy.


Deputy Head Teachers Award


October 31, 2021

#OurOnthank #AutumnAssembly #TimeWarp #Hallowe’en

To all of our Onthank families,

Exciting news – our Autumn Assembly is now LIVE and ready for you to watch!

Sit back, relax and enjoy our highlights from Term 1, a preview of our new classroom environments and some special ann


We also have a spooky surprise in store for #OurOnthank families at the end of our assembly so keep your eyes peeled!

#OurOnthank #AutumnAssembly #TimeWarp #Hallowe’en 

March 2, 2021
by Miss Anderson

P1-3 Outdoor Learning Ideas feedback

In the next week or two, your child will be shown a PowerPoint in class and will discuss with their teacher the good examples of Outdoor Learning.

Please complete the relevant Form for your child by Friday 12th March. 

Many thanks!

P1 Form – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKeMwLqGnu9lBmaeMCPbLiFhUNDBTNU5LUTNEWVRBNUtSMEFHNTFNVkRZNy4u

P2 Form -https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKeMwLqGnu9lBmaeMCPbLiFhUN1BSRzIxQTdENlFWNFlJTVFKVExFNVU1Qi4u

P3 Form – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKeMwLqGnu9lBmaeMCPbLiFhUOTU1NVpCUEJENldaUlMwVlpSRkNMSlJQRy4u

Centre Form – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKeMwLqGnu9lBmaeMCPbLiFhUNkY3TFdKNFFYQjcxQ0hVNjFSUkdaS1ZTVi4u

November 4, 2020
by Mr McIlwraith

Respect Me – Parent Twilight Training Sessions – Sign Up Now!

Dear Onthank Families,

Mr Swan and Mrs Boyd recently presented to RespectMe and East Ayrshire representatives on our school achievements in sharing the vision and ethos of this service throughout our school community.

Onthank Primary have been praised, with our virtual presentation, narrated by Mr Swan, being shared with other schools locally and nationally to influence positive change and engagement.

RespectMe are now offering two additional twilight sessions for Onthank parents to join and be trained  as Workshop Facilitators. You will work closely with Mr Swan and Mrs Boyd to create parent and pupil opportunities to ensure our message of kindness, safety and respectful relationships is understood and delivered at Onthank.


Wednesday 25th November 6.30pm – 7.30pm

Wednesday 2nd December 6.30pm – 8pm

You will be required to participate in both sessions, which will be delivered virtually. After signing up, Mr Swan will be in contact with the relevant links.

We are very excited about this additional opportunity and hope to have as many parents/carers involved. Please complete the FORM below to sign up.

Stay safe.


September 11, 2020
by Mr McIlwraith

Attendance @ Onthank

Good Afternoon Families,

As we come to end of another brilliant week at Onthank we would like to share information with you regarding the importance of attendance and ask for you help.

If your young person is absent from school we kindly remind you to contact our school office 01563 525477 in order for us to accurately record the reason for this absence.

If we do not hear from you, this is marked as an ‘Unauthorised Absence’ in line with Government and Council policy and will negatively impact your child’s attendance percentage.

Next week our clerical team and Home Link Worker will be contacting families who have any ‘Unauthorised Absences’ highlighted in order for us to find out the reason for the absence and hopefully update our system to increase percentages.

If we are unable to reach you, a letter will be send home for you to complete and return.

Finally, it is crucial for the safety of your young person that the school have your most up to date emergency contact details and we thank you in advance for informing us of any changes.

Thank you for your continued support in all aspects of school life, on this occasion, specifically supporting our absence protocols.

Have a lovely weekend!

August 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Star Pupils for Week Beginning 17th August


Primary 1

1A – Whole Class – settling in well to P1

1C – Whole Class – Settling in well to P1

1F – Whole Class – Settling in well to P1

1M – Whole Class – Settling in well to P1


Primary 2

2A – Mia – following instructions and having lovely manners

2B  – Rule – for being polite, helpful and trying hard in class all week

2C – Holly – Excellent reading & writing skills

2D – George – always working hard in all areas of the curriculum


Primary 3

3A – Whole Class – fantastic  start to Primary 3

3B – Ashley – for super writing & fabulous work in the first week

3C – Sofia – for an amazing illustration


Primary 4

4A – Christina – wonderful neat artwork

4B – Rory – for regularly offering ideas during tasks

4C – Zoe – a super confident start to Primary 4


Primary 5

5A – Whole Class – great start to a new year

5B – Whole Class – for having a great week and fantastic start to P5

5C – Haleigh – giving 100% effort at all times

5D – Noa – lovely topic artwork


Primary 6

6A – Keir – fantastic contributing to Number Talk sessions

6B – Mason – superb spelling

6C – Whole Class – for settling in very well to P6


Primary 7

7B – Aiden – for Making an excellent start to P7

7C – Mia – work in numeracy

7D – Aimee – for being really helpful in class and hardworking


Special Award from Mrs Findlay  – Hannah Johnson 4A for having her hair cut and donating to it to The Little Princes Trust & raising £400!

Well done, we are all proud of you!





August 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Star Pupils


Primary 1

1A – Whole Class – settling in well to P1

1C – Whole Class – Settling in well to P1

1F – Whole Class – Settling in well to P1

1M – Whole Class – Settling in well to P1


Primary 2

2A – Mia – following instructions and having lovely manners

2B  – Rule – for being polite, helpful and trying hard in class all week

2C – Holly – Excellent reading & writing skills

2D – George – always working hard in all areas of the curriculum


Primary 3

3A – Whole Class – fantastic  start to Primary 3

3B – Ashley – for super writing & fabulous work in the first week

3C – Sofia – for an amazing illustration


Primary 4

4A – Christina – wonderful neat artwork

4B – Rory – for regularly offering ideas during tasks

4C – Zoe – a super confident start to Primary 4


Primary 5

5A – Whole Class – great start to a new year

5B – Whole Class – for having a great week and fantastic start to P5

5C – Haleigh – giving 100% effort at all times

5D – Noa – lovely topic artwork


Primary 6

6A – Keir – fantastic contributing to Number Talk sessions

6B – Mason – superb spelling

6C – Whole Class – for settling in very well to P6


Primary 7

7B – Aiden – for Making an excellent start to P7

7C – Mia – work in numeracy

7D – Aimee – for being really helpful in class and hardworking


Special Award from Mrs Findlay  – Hannah Johnson 4A for having her hair cut and donating to it to The Little Princes Trust & raising £400!

Well done, we are all proud of you!





April 21, 2020
by ealesley.williams@glow

Shadow Messages

P4 pupils were set a task to create a shadow message, perhaps for a loved one who they can’t visit just now or for their friends to see online.

We have been so impressed by the examples that we thought it would be a lovely idea for all pupils to be involved in.

Some teachers have been getting creative and sharing their messages too.

Here are some lovely examples…




We would love if you would join in the fun and create a positive message to keep us smiling although we can’t see each other just now.

You can email photos to eadavid.mcilwraith1@glow.sch.uk

Can you please send them by Friday 24th April 2020, 5pm. There are a few really sunny days ahead to test out your messages.

Got a special message for your friends or for your school community?

In addition to our shadow messages, you can also email Mr McIlwraith a special message that you may have for a best friend or a group of friends! What are you most looking forward to when you get back to school? Who are you missing and why? Drop Mr McIlwraith a message and we will share it with our Onthank Community for your friends to see online! Please note that your name will appear on the video if you send us a message so make sure you get permission from an adult.

Looking forward to seeing them!

Mrs Williams 😉

April 20, 2020
by ealesley.williams@glow

Calling All Lucy Fans!

Chris Duke has written this story in the style of a free eBook to explain how Lucy is coping with being in Lockdown. Like many children, Lucy experiences many emotions during this time.

Her hair is blue but this time she knows why. She also knows that it is ok to sometimes have a blue day.

The link below takes you to the free download. Following the story there are some points for discussion.


If you would rather, you can watch it on the YouTube link below. Enjoy!

April 20, 2020

Welcome Back

A very warm welcome back to all our pupils, parents and carers of Onthank Primary School.  We hope you have had a relaxing and safe Easter holiday.  We are so lucky that the weather has been good and the sunshine is set to continue this week.  Bailey certainly enjoys the sun and going for a walk!

Staff have be online again and it has been great to see so many of you logging on.  We will be online to chat to children and set them some tasks and activities for the week.  Along with keeping in touch digitally we have also made some phone calls to families.  We are unable to call everyone and will prioritise families who have been unable to connect online,  however if you wish to nominate someone for a call feel free to do so.

We are all missing the children and can’t wait to have them back in school.  But for now – stay home, stay safe and keep in touch.

We can do this together!!

April 2, 2020
by Mrs Findlay

Easter Holidays?

Today is the last day of Term 3. We would like to wish all of our Onthank Community a safe, healthy and happy holiday.  We will not be posting any new online learning / materials for the next two weeks. Thank you to all the staff for their super effort in putting all of your learning together.  You (parents and children ) all deserve a holiday too as you have been working so hard to complete the  tasks which have been set by your teachers. During the Easter Break we hope you have fun with your family.?
We will be back online on Monday 20 April with lots of exciting activities. Please keep in touch with each other during the holiday.?
There will be some staff available who are supervising The Hub for the children of key workers so if you need to get in touch please email: onthank.primary@east-ayrshire.gov.uk and we will get back to you.
Have a good holiday from

All at Onthank Primary School.

April 1, 2020

April Fool

Miss Anderson and  Miss Ellis tricked us all today at the James Hamilton hub.  Miss Anderson offered me a sweet but when I ate it, it turned out to be a grape!

Did you trick anyone today?  Leave a comment if you did or were tricked by someone else!


March 31, 2020
by Mrs Findlay

Hello Everyone – please complete our pupil survey

Good Afternoon,

Please complete our  pupil survey – staying connected.

We hope everyone is managing to stay safe, healthy and happy. We are delighted that so many of you are logging into your digital platforms and sharing your learning with us. We have enjoyed seeing your photos, your work, your crafts and seeing what fun activities you are also doing.  We are pleased you have found a balance between learning time and family time. Hopefully the weather will continue to be nice so that you can enjoy outdoors in your garden.

We appreciate this is a difficult time for everyone and we are here to provide any support that is needed. Please don’t hesitate to  contact us.

We are missing all of you and please keep posting your pictures on your Glow Blog or Teams.

Keep safe from All the Staff in Onthank Primary School.


March 25, 2020
by Mr McIlwraith

Learning Pack Collection Reminder

Dear Families,

We are incredibly proud of our young people accessing and making great use of our online learning resources. Well done and keep up the great work!

We would like to remind our families Learning Packs were created by staff for all young people and some are waiting for collection from our Main Office if you have not already picked it up.

Please can we encourage you to collect your young person’s Learning Pack by the end of this week.

If you arrive at our Main Entrance, there will be a phone number to call for access to receive your pack.

Thank you again for your continued support and we extend our well wishes to all. Keep washing those hands!

#ouronthank #LearningPacks #proud


March 22, 2020
by ealesley.williams@glow

Something for Everyone!?

Hope all of our Onthank families and friends are all safe and well.

We will be keeping the main blog page free for important information, however, we wanted to share a couple of ideas which might benefit all of our pupils.

Each morning, Joe Wicks will be providing online PE lessons at 9am. We have all enjoyed taking part in his sessions before.


When it gets closer to bedtime, why not log onto Facebook or YouTube  each night at 7pm and listen to Chris Duke, the author of ‘Lucy’s Blue Day’ reading a chapter per night of his new book ‘Archie Unplugs the Internet’. A lovely routine to end the day. ?

Thinking of everyone at this difficult time.

March 20, 2020
by Mrs Findlay

Goodbyes from Onthank

We said Goodbye to Mr Boyd who is leaving Onthank to take up a new PT post in Glasgow. All classes had a fun last day( for the time being) in school  as luckily the weather was in our favour.

Good luck to our P7s. We will have you back at some point to give you an Onthank Send Off. You are a credit to Onthank ?. 

March 20, 2020
by Mrs Mills

P7 Home Learning Packs

We have put together a learning pack for your child. As we don’t know the duration of the closure, we have attempted to provide a range of activities which we would encourage your child to complete throughout the day, please use your own judgement as every child and situation is different.

With such short notice we have not been able to differentiate for all levels of ability and would advise that your child completes what they can from the tasks provided.

Please regularly check Teams, the P7 Blog, and Bug Club as we will keep this updated with daily tasks and activities for your child to complete.

The jotter provided can be used to complete any written activities or assignments that cannot be done within the class Teams page or through another online format.

We would ask that, where possible, you try to keep to a routine of learning to support our young people, academically, during these challenging times.

P7 teachers will be available to answer emails from you and your children during the usual school hours and will try to respond as soon as possible.


Miss McKelvey     P7McK          eagillian.mckelvey@glow.sch.uk

Mr McNichol        P7McN          easteven.mcnichol@glow.sch.uk

Mrs Mills                P7M                 eacaroline.mills@glow.sch.uk




March 20, 2020
by Mr McNichol

P7 Special Lunch

As part of our special P7  Impromptu Leavers’ Day the children have had a special lunch-time.   Special tables were put out for everyone to eat together regardless of whether we were having school dinners or packed lunches so we could all eat together.  

March 20, 2020
by Miss Anderson

P6 Parents – Online Learning Support

P6 Parents/Carers,

Each of our P6 classes have their own Microsoft Teams pages. We will be uploading work to these for the children to complete at a time that suits them.

Feedback so far suggests the best way to login to Microsoft Teams is to download the app onto your device. At the point of login, children should use their full Glow email address.

E.g gw14johnsonboris@glow.sch.uk

Most of the children have been trained in how to logon, find the relevant work/activities and upload.

If you have  any technical difficulties logging in or accessing Microsoft Teams then please leave a comment on the P6 blog page and we will do our best to help solve the problem.

If your child has been absent and has not received their Learning Pack, please contact the office.

Many thanks, Team P6


March 19, 2020

Onthank Home Learning

Onthank Young People & Families,

Our staff have been busy creating exciting and engaging home learning packs and digital learning activities for our young people.  

Activities, as always, will be active, fun and inclusive for all learners, regardless of ability.

Here is a summary for each stage –

Primary 1 – Pack with parent letter,  logins and passwords, jotter,  pencil, worksheets,  materials and ideas for cross- curricular activities, Information on P1 class blog

Primary 2– Pack with parent letter,  logins and passwords,  worksheets,  materials and ideas for cross- curricular activities, Information on P2 class blog

Primary 3  – Pack with parent letter ( logins and passwords sent with report),  jotter and P 3 class blog with a page for each teacher.

Primary 4 – Pack with a parental letter giving instructions on P4 blog,  range of worksheets, literacy, numeracy, jotter with Glow log ins.  

Primary 5– Teams page for communication, lessons, folders with maths and numeracy, literacy and french. 

Primary 6 – Teams page for communication, lessons, packs made up for individual children

Primary 7– Teams page for communication, ON-LINE lessons  posted daily,  folder with assessments, jotters etc

At Onthank we are very proud of the level of digital learning and ownership our young people have already achieved. All learners in Primary 5, 6 & 7 have been using Teams and communication between teacher and learner has already begun!

Click here for – Microsoft Teams Guidance for Parents

We will issue guidance on the amount of communication you can expect from teaching staff in the coming week. This will vary between stages due to the different activities planned by staff.

Learning Packs will be available today and tomorrow and will be given to pupils to bring home if they are attending school. Other resources such as sanitary items, toothbrushes and toothpaste are free to anyone who needs them. 

We are aware that some families are already self-isolating, therefore the school will get Learning Packs to you.  Please fill in the form below to let us know how you wish to receive yours. This form only needs to be filled in if your child has been absent from school in the last week.

You might be inclined to create  a minute by minute schedule for your child, however, like many of us,  they have never experienced anything like this before and will share the same worries and fears.

It is equally important at this time to comfort, care for each other and consider transferable life skills which can be learned at home. Why not take a break from Learning Packs and play board games, bake cookies, or to do a science experiment together?

Please also remember it will take time for all of us to adjust to this ‘new normality’.

Sincere thanks from Onthank Primary SLT and Staff for your understanding, cooperation and support in these unprecedented times. The offers of help and acts of kindness from our community is an outstanding display of your passion and genuine care for our young people.

We will miss our young people greatly, however remain encouraged Onthank Primary Community will reflect and learn from this and come back creating a stronger future for all.

Please continue to reach out to us during these times. We are all in this together.



March 19, 2020
by eanicola.newall@glow

App Design Winners

Well done to Erin, Ellie and Mason.  They were the winners of the App design competition.  The ‘Make it Happen’ company were blown away by the amazing design ideas from our school. Thank you to all of our pupils for entering.

March 19, 2020
by Mrs Andrew

Stay Connected

We would like to make sure we have the correct email address for all parents.  In these uncertain circumstances we will be contacting you at home via email.

Please ensure the school has an up to date email address by completing form below if you would like to give us an update:

March 18, 2020

Onthank Parent Feedback

Yesterday we distributed pupil reports. We do know that many children have not received them yet. To help us plan can all parents/carers please complete our online form.  Parents can pick up the school report if they are able to.  Reports which are not picked up will be posted.

Please click here to access the form

277 have been completed.

Answers to frequently asked questions-

  • Children are being re- issued with their log ins and passwords.
  • Online tutorials will be added to our School blog
  • Staff will be posting on each stage’s blog
  • We will make sure parents can access support
  • Our school Bugclub code is kg9j

March 18, 2020
by User deactivated

This Week’s Star Pupil

Primary 3

Nathan – talking about his Scottish project to the class

Max – working well with his peers

Mya – super instruction writing

Primary 4

Imogen – always trying to brighten up a situation

Lennon – making an effort to improve handwriting

All of P4K – getting to grips with GLOW blogs

Primary 7

Kerr – Cycling

Robert – making excellent use of our Class Teams page

Luke – an Amazing contribution to our Shape Lessons.

Deputy Headteacher’s Award

Sophie – being a kind and helpful pupil



March 18, 2020
by eakirsty.mccall@glow

How To Access Bug Club At Home

If schools close in the coming days or weeks we would like the children to access Bug Club at home if possible. We have put together a step by step guide as to how to access it. In the meantime  can you please make sure your child is able to log on?

Thank you for your continued support.

  1. Google              Bug Club

  2. The top search says ActiveLearn:Login  –  click on that link.

  3. That should take you to the password page.

  4. Insert your personal login details.

  5. The photos below show what to do. The “child”  we have used to demonstrate  this does not exist and is made up purely as an example.

6 . If you see a “bug” you click on it and your child will have a task to perform.

Remember you can access maths activities on Bug Club too.


March 16, 2020
Comments Off on Sport Relief??‍♂️??‍♂️

Sport Relief??‍♂️??‍♂️

We had fun doing our Sport Activities with P7s  and Sports Committee leading us   –  thank you. We went to the gym hall and took part in lots of fitness stations.  Thank you for your kind donations.

March 16, 2020

Coronavirus and Onthank Primary’s plans

Thank you for your continued support as we,  like the rest of the country, respond to the situation in relation to Coronavirus.  I am very grateful for the measured, appropriate and cooperative response of parents/carers in helping us to manage this situation.

I am sure that you will appreciate that it is difficult to predict what the impact on schools might be in the future in what is clearly a rapidly changing picture. Please be assured that we continue to collaborate with, and act upon the advice of, the relevant organisations and are taking steps to plan for the future.  Like all East Ayrshire schools, we will use our school app to get information to you.
At the moment,  our priority is to maintain a calm learning environment for our young people. Whilst not wanting to be dismissive of the potential effects on the wider population, we want our pupils to understand that in the majority of cases the effects of the virus can be relatively mild.  Additionally, we will continue to reiterate through class lessons and assemblies, important messages about hygiene. Thank you for your support in reinforcing these messages too.
 Please click on the link for further information.


Following a Headteacher meeting on Friday which focused on the impact of the Conorovirus,  schools were asked to look at Digital solutions to keep in touch which staff and children who are self-isolating,

As a  digital school, pupils at Onthank already use digital technology in a variety of ways such as Bug Club, Active Maths and children’s individual blogs.  We plan to continue and extend our use of Digital technology.  At this time we have created a Microsoft Team for each class from Primary 5 to 7.  We will be giving tutorials to classes over the next few days.  Children in these classes have been assigned a survey to complete.

Parents can support this by making sure that your child, where possible, can access their schoolwork via a home tablet, laptop, PC or smartphone.  If it is not possible to have access to the internet we will look for alternative solutions.


March 15, 2020

Communcation via school app

For reliable information our school app will be our main source of communication with parents/carers. You should check our news and message sections. Please can any parents who have not downloaded the app, do so as soon as possible. Thanks.

To download on iPhone, please visit: CLICK

To download on Android, please visit: CLICK

March 13, 2020
by User deactivated

Seasons for Growth – Session 1

We had our first session on Monday and it was lovely to see the children engaging with the discussion and the activities. All the children in the group were given a letter to take home to parents/ carers, explaining what we had talked about and asking if they could bring in either a photo, a toy or an item of clothing that they had when they were a baby for our second session on Tuesday 17th March (IF POSSIBLE!) so please check school bags.

I also still need permission slips returned from some of our group members.


March 11, 2020
by eajulie.klein@glow

Sustrans Mile Post Competition

Please vote for Onthank’s entry which has been designed by Erin in P4K.  MULTICOLOURED OPTION 2. 

Four designs from different schools will go to a Twitter poll to select the winning design . The winner will be invited along to help paint the milepost.

Voting is now live until Friday 13th March at   : https://twitter.com/SustransScot/status/123695663465


March 11, 2020

Cyber safe

We are keen to support parents to ensure all young people are Cyber safe, especially with the growing use of a wide range of Apps and online forms of communication (WhatsApp/TikTok/Instagram/Snapchat etc). As part of our continued commitment, we are delighted to promote our new ‘Safer Schools’ App. This App is a reliable source of advice on all things Cyber. It gives empowering, current and informative information on all current digital platforms/tools/apps in an accessible manner. We have a range of tailored user accesses (pupil, staff and parents/carers). To access your parent platform please:
-Go to your app store or Google Play and search for ‘Safer School’
-In school field type ‘East Ayrshire Council’
-The code for primary parents is: 7440
We would recommend that you discuss with your child about which apps and social media platforms they currently use/access. This will help ensure they know how to stay safe online – using the app to start these types of conversations is great.

March 11, 2020
by Mrs Andrew

Sport Relief – Friday 13 March 2020

We are taking part in Sport Relief on Friday 13 March 2020.  Pupils can come to school wearing ‘Sporty’ clothes (no football colours) and bring in a small donation.

The Sports Committee have created a timetable of activities inside and out (weather permitting) for our pupils to take part in throughout the day.


March 11, 2020
by User deactivated

This Week’s Star Pupils


Primary 1

Noah – a super mixed up fairtytale

Macie – writing super sentences

Starla – using string to make our new phoneme – ch

George – being the best and ‘Smartest Giant in Town’


Primary 2

Alfie – Using your ‘sounding out’ skills to write words

Colin – trying extra hard to write in sentences

Cherelle – Fantastic daily writing

Primary 3

Lucy – showing super numeracy skills in Number Talks

Abbi – helping promote International Women’s Day

Zoe – linking division with multiplication

All of P3S – fantastic ‘Scotland’ projects


Primary 4

Evan – improving his writing and producing a great book blurb

Charlie – demonstrating super shooting skills in basketball

Shae – increased focus and attention

Tulisa – super progress &  motivation in writing

Primary 5

Tyler – making good progress in maths

Robbie – well presented literacy work in jotters

Lewys – being a confident performer in Literacy activities


Primary 6

Emily – showing a determined approach to new learning

Danyal – Showing maturity

Alex – consistent great effort and beautiful presentation

Lewis – participating well in the editing process during writing

Primary 7

All of 7m – being superstars at Inverclyde

Cameron – showing great sportsmanship at Inverclyde

Leon – has done some great work in Inverclyde

Deputy Headteacher’s award

Morgan – being very helpful in P1

March 9, 2020
by Mr McIlwraith

P5/6/7 Youth Club Reminder

Dear P5/6/7 Families,

We are having an excellent term so far at Youth Club with our young people creating the format of the sessions, providing activity choices and planning events! Unfortunately we don’t think a school sleepover can be accommodated!!

We would like to remind families Youth Club starts at 5.30pm and invite young people to arrive from 5.20pm at the earliest as adult supervision will not be provided until this time.

Thank you for your continued support!

#ouronthank #YouthClub

March 5, 2020

Onthank at Inverclyde

Mrs Wright had a fabulous visit to Inverclyde and was very proud of all the Onthank pupils. Staff from the centre commented on how well everyone was getting on and how pupils and staff supported each other. Pupils were full of stories about water sports, cycling around Millport, trampolining and much more.  Due to internet challenges we will share pictures and videos when the children return.

Here is a small taster …

March 5, 2020
by Mrs Andrew

Parents’ Afternoon / Evening – Thursday 19 March 2020

In preparation for Parents’ Afternoon / Evening we would like to organise time slots.  Appointments will be available on Thursday 19 March from 3.10 pm – 8.30 pm.  Please indicate below if you wish an appointment.

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