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Friendly reminder

Hi everyone

Hopefully you have all survived your first few days of learning at home and it has been great seeing some of you posting about your experiences.

We would like to reassure you that there is no minimum requirement for P4 home learning. The pages above give ideas only and we may add ideas over time as we discover new activities.

For example, some pupils have been loving the maths challenges suggested.  Others have decided to research a country.  Some have been out in the garden helping to build fences.  When the good weather returns (have hope! 😀) and you can get outside, check the outdoor learning page for a suggested activity. Wet weather and parents need a rest?  Choose something from the pack we sent home or look on the fun page.

Bug Club and Active maths are always there too but this does not need to be completed daily.  It  would be great if you could try to log on to your glow account which can be a valuable experience all on its own.

Some of our staff are in the same position – looking after their own children while working from home.  It can be challenging.

Remember to take time to relax and enjoy your home learning.

Hoping you’re all safe and well.

Team P4

P4 Home Learning Info Updated with Glow Blogs help

We know that during the school closures you may be concerned about your child’s learning and progression.

P4 staff have made up a pack that will be sent home with learners on Friday. These packs contain maths and literacy tasks. We do not expect children to complete all tasks and it can be used as required.

Learners have been issued a jotter that can be used to record any learning experiences. Inside this jotter there is a username and password that allow learners to access their Glow blog.  All pupils have a blog set up which can also be used for recording and sharing learning.  Pupils in class this week were shown how to use it.  As we had limited time with this we understand learners are still becoming familiar with this method of recording.

Each class also has its own blog which children can contribute to and can be used for sharing news and ideas.

Our original P4 blog, which can be accessed without a log in from the school’s home page, will be our main source for activities and communication. Below the picture of Titanic you will see several headings. Click on these headings to see resources and activities. Each week we will add a list of spelling words that could be a focus for that week.

Bug Club and Active Maths accounts will continue to be updated with resources and books.

We are aware that these are strange and uncertain times and that it may be challenging to undertake learning at home.  We have provided activities and ideas to assist families and hope you find them useful.

Thank you.

Team P4

Email addresses:


How to log on to your blog through Glow:

Once you click on My Sites it will show you all the blogs you can see including your own. Click on your dashboard and then check your comments. If you want to add a new post go to +New menu at the top which will give you a menu. Click Post. Or create a new Page.

Before you post anything on to your own blog please check it is your name next to the house in top left corner.

P4 Home Learning

We know that during the school closures you may be concerned about your child’s learning and progression.

P4 staff have made up a pack that will be sent home with learners on Friday. These packs contain maths and literacy tasks. We do not expect children to complete all tasks and it can be used as required.

Learners have been issued a jotter that can be used to record any learning experiences. Inside this jotter there is a username and password that allow learners to access their Glow blog.  All pupils have a blog set up which can also be used for recording and sharing learning.  Pupils in class this week were shown how to use it.  As we had limited time with this we understand learners are still becoming familiar with this method of recording.

Each class also has its own blog which children can contribute to and can be used for sharing news and ideas.

Our original P4 blog, which can be accessed without a log in from the school’s home page, will be our main source for activities and communication. Below the picture of Titanic you will see several headings. Click on these headings to see resources and activities. Each week we will add a list of spelling words that could be a focus for that week.

Bug Club and Active Maths accounts will continue to be updated with resources and books.

We are aware that these are strange and uncertain times and that it may be challenging to undertake learning at home.  We have provided activities and ideas to assist families and hope you find them useful.

Thank you.

Team P4

Email addresses:

Art Activities

All of the Primary 4 pupils have had the opportunity to become sculptures during their art rotation time.  We looked at works from the artist Alberto Giacometti and made figures in the same style. Who knew how tricky tin foil would be to sculpt!! Here are some pictures of us hard at work and the end result.

Our Wishes for 2020!

P4 have been discussing what a New Year’s Resolution is and setting realistic goals for ourselves.

We shared examples during Health and Wellbeing time. Some ideas were to ‘pass a smile each day’, to spend more time outdoors, to try and make a difference towards achieving the Global Goals and to get up earlier each day.

The ‘Rocks’ made ‘Wish Wands’ today. We hope to achieve our goals!!