Tag Archives: Buddies

Homework 01.06.21


We are having a week of lovely weather so the teachers would like you to stay sun safe and get out for fresh air if you can.

Ensure that you read your online Bug Club books this week and your library book if you have one.

Positive Choices Week

Mrs Findlay issued some jobs this week as part of Positive Choices Week and you could try some of these, if you like, instead of the weekly homework that you have been used to on our P2 page.

Check out the list below.


June Article 29:  Your right to become the best you can be.

Please choose some activities you would like to try this week.

  • Create a Positive Thinking Poster with your friends or family.

  • Catch up with friends and chat about what makes you happy.

  • Read our Be the Nice Kid Poster – discuss this with your family.

  • Take it in turns to mime and act out an occupation. Try to guess the jobs.

  • Think of a different job for every letter of the alphabet.

  • What job would you like to do in Onthank Primary? Tell us why?

On Friday you can come dressed up as what job you would like to have when you are older or who you would like to be.





Homework WB 22.03.21

***** Please continue to use the homework jotter that was provided and if you need another, then ensure you email your teacher. *****

Homework tasks have been categorised using a Chilli Challenge format. You should pick ONE of the three challenges in Literacy and Numeracy to complete in your jotter. If pupils would like to complete more than this, that is their choice.


– Bug Club book allocation. 

– Library book. Remember to RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS on FRIDAY and new books will be PROVIDED ON MONDAY to be enjoyed throughout the week. 

– New weekly joined phoneme. This week’s joined phoneme is “oi“.
Use the activity LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK to write the following
spelling and common words into your jotter.













  • Make cards and write each of the spelling and common words on them. Can you say each of the words when your Homework Buddy shows them to you. 


  • Write a sentence for three of your “oi” words – try to include any common words you know from previous homework tasks too. (Remember a capital letter, finger spaces, sensible spelling and a full stop or other punctuation to complete good sentences please.)


  • Write the meanings for two of your words and illustrate with a picture if you can.


Analogue and Digital Time: O’Clock

The answers are all mixed up!

Correctly  match the different ways of representing the same time.   

Five O’Clock                12.00
Ten O’clock                   4:00
One O’clock                  6.00
Eleven O’clock              7:00
Four O’Clock                5:00            
Twelve O’Clock           10:00
Seven O’Clock               1:00
Six O’clock                   11:00  

Analogue and Digital Time: O’Clock


The answers are all mixed up! 

Correctly match the different ways of representing the same time.   

Half past one                    4.30
Half past ten                     2:30
Half past nine                   8:30
Half past two                    9:30           
Half past four                   1.30                     
Half past eight               10:30


Your Homework Buddy could solve your mix and match and you can be the teacher and mark their work!


Task 1:

Click on the Sway below to watch the video of Miss Baillie demonstrating the ‘Highland Fling’ and practise this in preparation for our upcoming Onthank Highland Games.

Go to this Sway

Task 2:

Click on the Sway below to watch the video of your Scottish song to learn for our Onthank Highland Games.

Go to this Sway

Task 3:

Click on the Sway below to watch Miss Telford reminding us how to warm up our bodies in preparation for taking part in our Highland games activities. Spend some time practising our warm ups.

Go to this Sway

That’s your homework complete this week!

Class teachers want to see photos of the work you have completed please so send an email with your good work attached. Remember to lay your work out well and try really hard with your handwriting and presentation.

Team P2 



We hope you have all had a good few days off with your families. Due to the February holiday we only have two days of school this week. There will be no VScene calls or Pupil of the Day this week but our First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has decided that we should return to school on Monday.

We’re delighted to welcome you all back and in the meantime, Homework Buddies, could you please help us to prepare the children for their return.

The Management Team have requested the following:-

How can I help?

As a final helpful list to parents, can you please support us by:

· Reinforcing hygiene measures and social distancing with your child(ren).

· Having your child(ren) bring tissues to school to capture any coughs or sneezes.

· Ensuring your child does not bring unnecessary items to school.

· Reinforcing positive, safe relationships between all children and our staff.

· Dropping your child off at school gates and allowing them to enter the playground area independently.

· Understanding that we are not permitted to allow visitors in school buildings, other than in emergency or other exceptional circumstances.

Until then kids, we want you to have some fun activities and tasks to do which will remind you about how to keep safe on our return. You can have a look through the Learning Grid to see what activities you could complete and then send them on to your class teacher.



CLICK LINK BELOW FOR PDF FORMAT – Opens on any system.

Learning Grid WB15.02.21



Learning Grid WB15.02.21



LINK 1 LITERACY – Sway Presentation Mrs Easter

Go to this Sway


LINK 2 LITERACY – Sway Presentation Miss Baillie


Go to this Sway

LINK 3 NUMERACY – Sway Presentation Mrs Kidd

Go to this Sway


LINK 4 TOPIC/IDL – Video Link



LINK 5 TOPIC/IDL – Sway Presentation Miss Telford

Go to this Sway

LINK 6 – TOPIC/IDL Template

Tam O’ Shanter Hat Template – PDF


LINK 7 HEALTH AND WELLBEING – Sway Presentation Mrs Kidd

Go to this Sway

Looking forward to seeing you all again!

See you on Monday.

Primary 2 Team

Miss Baillie, Mrs Banks, Mrs Easter, Mrs Kidd, Mrs Saxelby, Miss Telford & Mrs Wright.



Well done, Primary 2! Your teachers are loving all the fantastic work you have been sharing and we want to encourage you to keep it up.

Thank you to all Homework Buddies who completed the survey on remote learning. We appreciate your feedback and in response to this have made some changes which you will be able to see over the coming weeks.

We’ve seen so many great pieces of work this week and wanted to ask, if you had made a poster about a Scottish animal, could you please keep your poster safe and bring it into school when we’re allowed to be back together again. Your teachers would love to put them up on the wall to show off all your great research skills!


Each week your class teacher emails out names for Pupil of the Day.

Could we remind you to fill in the form contained in the email link and return it before the Sunday of that week so a personalised certificate can be created for each Pupil of the Day from their friends.

These really cheered the pupils up last week.


Random Act of Kindness Day 

Usually we give you a task to help out at home or to help learn a life skill but this week we have something a little different. We have been doing lots of work on kindness throughout this year but there is a day where we celebrate this nationally and this week sees the Random Act of Kindness Day for 2021. It would be lovely to see you all carry out a random act of kindness for someone with the hope of putting a big smile on their faces, especially during these challenging times. 


Click on the links below to access the LIVE learning sessions provided by East Ayrshire council. On School Hub days we’ve logged in to the dance session on a Tuesday and it has been great fun trying to keep up!

Please check out the sessions if you need a break from the Learning Grid.

Live family sessions starting the 8th Feb 2021

Live sessions Parent -carer Guidance Document



CLICK LINK BELOW FOR PDF FORMAT – Opens on any system.

Learning Grid WB 08.02.21 (2)



Learning Grid WB 08.02.21


LINK 1 LITERACY – Sway Presentation Mrs Easter

Go to this Sway

LINK 2 LITERACY – Sway Presentation Miss Baillie

Go to this Sway


LINK 3 NUMERACY – Sway Presentation Mrs Kidd

Go to this Sway

LINK 4 NUMERACY – Sway Presentation Mrs Easter

Go to this Sway

LINK 5 TOPIC/IDL – Sway Presentation Miss Telford

Go to this Sway

LINK 6 HEALTH AND WELLBEING – Sway Presentation Miss Telford

Go to this Sway

Well done Primary 2! We have made it to the February holidays and we hope you all have a lovely, well earned break. We can’t wait to see you all back online on Thursday 18th February. Stay safe and have fun! 

Primary 2 Team

Miss Baillie, Mrs Banks, Mrs Easter, Mrs Kidd, Mrs Saxelby, Miss Telford & Mrs Wright.


Litter Pick P1A and P6A

We worked with our Buddies on Thursday to pick up litter from the garden at the front of the school. We then went for a walk around the school to see some of our local area.

P1A meeting P6A

P1A met their new Buddies from P6A this afternoon. We have had good fun introducing ourselves and getting to know each other by drawing pictures together. Our favourite bit was talking to the bigger boys and girls.