Active Literacy

Active Literacy

In class we will follow the Active Literacy programme. This will teach your child about initial single sounds (a, b, c, d…) and then develop joined phoneme sounds (sh, th, ea, oy…). Parents are reminded that letter sounds are different from letter names (alphabet song) and our main strategy for decoding any of our unknown words in reading books is to “sound it out”.

You can help at home by practising and reviewing all 26 initial sounds and any of our taught joined phonemes. Please encourage your child to notice these sounds in words and print around the home or when you are out and about. Children should practise identifying the beginning and end sounds of words. A game like “eye-spy” can be helpful to play with these ideas. You could even switch it up to include searching for words with joined phoneme sounds within them.


Joined phonemes we have covered:-



