Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

We are working very hard to ensure your child settles well into Primary Two, particularly after the long break in their education. Emotional health lessons will feature heavily in our timetable as well as trying to take as many opportunities to be physically active outdoors. We need you to ensure that your child is dressed appropriately so we can get outside. Jackets should be provided every day and sun cream applied if the weather is to be sunny.

In class we begin our days with an Emotional Check In. Your child is encouraged to think about how they feel and provide a reason. You could check in with your child after school and encourage the same validation of how they feel.

We shared our lunchtimes together the first few weeks Back to school and the pupils have been encouraged to consider the foods in their packed lunch. They have managed very well to try and eat through what they have been provided for snack time and lunch. As we are a health promoting school could we gently remind you to consider what you include for your child to eat. Some pupils are coming to school with snacks (very high in sugar) that are impacting their behaviours in class. They also often don’t have time to eat through the number of snacks that are provided.

Pupils are allowed to bring in water in their own bottles that they can access all day. We really discourage diluted juices as even though many brands state “No Added Sugar”, they actually contain quite naturally high levels of sugars that stick to your child’s teeth all day. For this reason pupils may drink juices at interval and lunch times but can only drink water/milk throughout class time if they choose.