Monthly Archives: October 2019

Homework wk beginning 28th

Week Beginning 28th October

Over the course of the week, have a go at these activities in your own time. Please return the homework folder to school on Friday.

Task 1 – Have a look at your new book. Can you count how many words are in the title? What do you think story is about?

Task 2 – Have another go with your book.

Alphabet Rainbow. Use the letters to have a go at making these words;

sat   map   rip   mad   sad   pin

Want a challenge? Have a go at these words;

snap   star   pants

Task 3 – Log into Bug Club and look at mystuff. Try the new games.

Task 4 – Try this online game Caterpillar ordering 1-10 forwards –

Fancy a challenge? Try a harder level or ordering the numbers backwards!

Halloween Fun

Primary 1 had some Halloween fun in the gym hall today. We played Pumpkin Soup, Corners, Spooky Statues and had lots of dancing! Well done to everyone for the super costumes!


Homework for Week Beginning 21st October

Please return the homework folder to school on Friday.

22/10 – Roll a sound game. You can play with a partner.

23/10 – Bug Club – Log in to mystuff and have a look at a new book. Remember to answer the bugs too. Have a go at playing the Phonics games.

24/10 – Hidden Jewels game. You can play with a partner.

We are having our Hallowe’en Parade this Friday. Come to school wearing your Hallowe’en costume for some spooky fun.



Buddy Time


Dash the Robot

P1B had fun trying out Dash the Robot today. We were learning how to Code by giving Dash instructions on where to move around the classroom. We even programmed Dash to dance!