Monthly Archives: September 2020

Logging into Glow and uploading to your own Glow page.

In Primary Two we will be using Glow more frequently to communicate information and homework each week. Please check regularly through the week and every MONDAY for homework updates.



Watch the video below to help you log into your child’s own Glow page. Once logged in you will be able to upload photos of work and write posts for your teacher.





Watch this video to see how to upload work or make a post to share with your child’s teacher.


If you have an issues or queries then send us an email and we will try our best to help.

Team P2

Miss Baillie, Mrs Kidd, Mrs Saxelby & Miss Telford


Dear parents and carers,

Click on the Homework menu at the top of the page and select Homework Week Beginning 28.9.20. There are suggested activities for Literacy, Numeracy & Maths and Other Curricular Areas. Homework will be added again next week and you can access it from the same menu. If you need assistance please contact the class teacher via email (See “What you need to know about P2” menu).


We have asked that you send us your child’s work so that we can provide feedback. Please check back on the Primary 2 Glow page tomorrow, Tuesday 29th September, for a “Watch this video” to help you access your child’s own personal Glow page.




Primary 2 Homework


We have been working hard to get everyone settled into Primary 2 building strong and happy relationships with each other after having been away from school for so long. We feel it’s now time to begin thinking about how to support learning in class at home with some homework activities.

We are awaiting a delivery of new homework jotters that we can issue to you to write ideas down. Hopefully, this will allow us to send them home at the beginning of next week. Due to the current circumstances these jotters will be KEPT AT HOME and the class teacher will NOT collect them or mark them in the traditional way. If you wish to share your child’s work you can email them or upload a photograph directly to your child’s personal Glow page. More information on how to do this will follow.

In the meantime, we would like to share that the classes are revising the following:-


– alphabet sounds and the joined phonemes sh, ch, th, ng.

– handwriting formation with a focus on joining sh, ch, th, ng.

– using phonic knowledge and sounding out unfamiliar words in reading activities.

– writing sentences and remembering the core targets: use a capital letter, finger spaces between words and a full stop.


– Watch this video.

– Read these words, remember to sound them out if you’re unsure

         shop        chip          that           ring

        shark         church          thinking        string




– counting in 1s and 2s up and down to 20 and beyond.

– identifying patterns in shapes/colours and in numbers.

– identifying if a number is odd or even and linking this to number doubles (1 + 1, 2 + 2 etc)


– Watch this video.

– Count up and down in 1s and 2s to 20 and beyond if you can.


Other curricular areas

– All about me

– Class charter and rules/routines in class

– Art, painting/collage/detailed drawing


– Tell your homework buddy your top 3 class rules that help you to learn, stay safe or be the best that you can be.


We will update our Primary 2 Glow Page with the homework for each week every MONDAY so please check in WEEKLY. Additional ideas for working with your child is provided in the menu tabs along the top of the page.