We would like to inform you of an online check in available for your child to catch up with their class teacher(s) and peers. We will be using VScene, which is a platform that allows us to do this. Please note, the call may be recorded. The time slots available for each class are as follows:
Primary 2K – Wednesday 20th January – 11:15am and 1:30pm
Primary 2T – Thursday 21st January – 11:15am and 1:30pm
Primary 2B – Thursday 21st January – 11:15am and 1:30pm
Primary 2S – Friday 22nd January – 11:15am and 1:30pm
Below are answers to some questions you may have, if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher.
Do I have to download an app if I am using a laptop or computer?
If you are using a laptop or computer then no app is required, all you have to do is click on the link that you receive from your class teacher via email, type in your name and join.
Do I have to download an app if I am using a mobile device or iPad?
Yes, if you are using a mobile device you will be asked to download the free VScene app which is available on the App Store. If you are using an iPad the VScene app may also be required for full functionality. The icon looks like this:
Once downloaded and you are ready to join your meeting, it will ask you to enter a ‘Room Key’ which is the 7-digit number included in your invite email or you can simply click the link and it will automatically fill in your Room Key. You then input your name and click connect.
Does my parent/guardian have to speak?
Your parent/guardian should help to get you set up and we would ask that they remain present in the room but they don’t have to participate as this is a chance for you to catch up with others.
Do I have to attend both time slots?
No, you can choose the one that suits you and your family best.
Is this compulsory?
No, this is optional but we would encourage as many to join as possible so we can hear from you.
What if I can’t attend any of the time slots available?
Not to worry, your teacher is going to try and organise online check-ins weekly. You can also email to let your teacher know you can’t make it.
Do I have to have my camera on?
No, this is pupil choice. East Ayrshire’s guidance for remote learning does ask the following if you choose to have your camera on:
- Be dressed suitably – no PJs – get dressed as you would be happy to be seen outside of your home.
- Sit somewhere with your back towards the wall. This will reduce how much of your home is in the camera frame.
- Turn the TV and other distractions off. Try to find a space which is quiet. Don’t worry – we know this might not always be easy for everyone to do.
Do I have to speak?
No, you can mute your mic if you do not wish to speak. It would be great to hear from you if you feel confident enough to do so. There is also an option to type in a chat box if you would prefer, you may need help from your parents/guardians for this.
What if my child is attending the hub?
Where possible, the staff member working in the hub will set up the meeting for your child to join their class meeting.
What will we do on the call?
We will ask everyone how they are getting on and your teacher will have organised an activity such as playing a game together, a quiz or reading a story. This may change weekly.
Below is a link that Mr McIlwraith has kindly shared which is a quick start guide for VScene that you may find helpful:
This is a trial to test how successful it can be but don’t worry you might experience teething problems as we did as a staff but let’s give it a go! We can’t wait to hear from you 
Team P2